Con este video vas a aprender las mejores formas de protegerte a ti y a tu comunidad contra COVID-19.
Con este video vas a aprender cuáles son los síntomas comunes de COVID-19, qué hacer si piensas que has sido expuesto al virus, y cómo prevenir su propagación a tu comunidad.
Con este video aprenderás sobre los efectos secundarios a largo plazo asociados al COVID-19, incluyendo enfermedades pulmonares, agotamiento severo y trastornos autoinmunes.
Con este video vas a aprender sobre la importancia de lavarte las manos con frecuencia para prevenir la propagación de infecciones en tu comunidad.
Este video ayuda a que comprendas la diferencia entre aislamiento y cuarentena si hubieras estado expuesto al COVID-19.
Este video te recuerda que te laves las manos con frecuencia para prevenir la propagación de enfermedades.
Con este video vas a aprender cuál es la diferencia entre COVID-19, catarro, flu, y los síntomas de alergia.
Con este video vas a aprender lo que es un sistema inmune debilitado y los pasos que puedes seguir para reducir tu riesgo de enfermarte.
Con este video vas a aprender lo que es un respirador y cómo se utiliza para salvar la vida de los pacientes.
Con este video vas a aprender sobre la importancia del uso de cubrebocas para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19, como debes elegir el cubrebocas y la manera correcta de usarlo.
Mantener sus manos limpias es la mejor manera de evitar contraer o propagar gérmenes. Este video le muestra cómo hacerlo.
Estos son los pasos para lavarte las manos correctamente.
Estos son los pasos para cambiar el vendaje de una herida.
Estos son los pasos para ponerte guantes esterilizados.
Estos son los pasos para quitarte los guantes esterilizados.
Estos son los pasos para usar un desinfectante de manos para limpiar tus manos.
Aprende con este video estrategias sencillas para protegerte contra infecciones y cómo prevenir de contraer y propagar infecciones durante tu estancia en el hospital.
Con este video aprendes cómo el equipo de protección personal te protege contra infecciones.
Este video te muestra cómo el equipo de protección personal ayuda a protegerte de infecciones mientras visitas a alguien en el hospital.
Aprende cómo lavarte las manos correcta y completamente.
Un hospital es un excelente lugar para recuperarse. Pero también es un lugar donde uno se puede enfermar. Esto se debe a que en un hospital pueden vivir una gran cantidad de gérmenes. Veamos cómo mantenerse a salvo.
Con este video vas a aprender cómo lavarte las manos adecuadamente para combatir infecciones.
Aprende con este video la manera correcta de usar el desinfectante para las manos para prevenir la propagación de microbios y proteger a tu familia contra enfermedades.
Aprende como usar las toallitas desechables de Gluconato de Clorhexidina (CHG) para prevenir infecciones.
Con este video aprenderás sobre los síntomas comunes de infecciones y los tratamientos comúnmente utilizados para curarlas.
Aprende con este video sobre estrategias simples para ayudar a prevenir la propagación de infecciones y microbios durante tu recuperación en casa.
Aprende con este video sobre cómo el uso del Espirómetro Incentivo ejercita tus pulmones después de la cirugía, ayuda a prevenir infecciones y mejora la función pulmonar.
Con este video vas a aprender cómo prevenir la propagación de microbios y cómo reconocer los síntomas de una infección mientras te recuperas de una cirugía.
Las infecciones en la sangre pueden ser una complicación peligrosa que ponen en riesgo la vida, durante su estancia en el hospital. Los pacientes forman una parte importante del equipo necesario para la prevención. Aprenda cómo ocurren las infecciones en la circulación de la sangre y lo que pueden hacer los pacientes para ayudar a prevenirlas.
El Staphylococcus Aureus Resistente a la Meticilina, SARM o MRSA en inglés, es provocado por un tipo de bacteria por estafilococo que se ha vuelto resistente a los antibióticos usados para el tratamiento del estafilococo normal. Aprenda más sobre SARM y los pasos sencillos que puede tomar para protegerse a usted o a un ser querido.
Un respirador puede ser un aparato que le salva la vida a los pacientes que no pueden respirar por sí solos, sin embargo las condiciones que requireren el uso de un respirador también aumentan la posibilidad de que el paciente adquiera una infección. Este programa hablará de los riesgos de infecciones que pueden ocurrir con el uso del respirador y de los pasos que el personal médico debe tomar para prevenir tales infecciones.
El enterococo resistente a la vancomicina, o VRE en inglés. Es una bacteria resistente que a veces puede causar infecciones en el tracto urinario, en la sangre o en las heridas. Este programa va a explicar algunas cosas sencillas que pueden hacer los mismos pacientes para protegerse contra el VRE.
Todos los años en los Estados Unidos, mueren más personas debido a infecciones asociadas con la atención médica que del cáncer de mama, accidentes de carro y del SIDA combinados.
Es muy importante que su habitación del hospital sea limpiada y desinfectada para prevenir que se dispersen las infecciones. Aprenda lo que debe esperar del profesional que hace la limpieza y desinfecta su habitación. Los pacientes también van a descubrir lo que ellos mismos y sus familias pueden hacer para mantener su medio ambiente limpio y seguro.
Después de una cirugía, es importante protegerse contra una infección, especialmente en el área de la incision o herida quirúrgica. Este programa va a mostrarles a los pacientes lo que deben reconocer en cuánto a síntomas de infección y lo que pueden hacer para ayudar a prevenir una infección después de la cirugía.
La prevención de infecciones no es un juego. En Speak Up™ Prevención de Infecciones, Diego sigue unos sencillos pero importantes pasos para protegerse a sí mismo y a su abuela de infecciones peligrosas.
C. difficile es una infección provocada por una bacteria que puede crecer en su tracto digestivo y causar síntomas desagradables como diarrea severa. Una infección por C. difficile también puede poner en peligro la vida. Aunque existen tratamientos efectivos, la prevención de una infección por C. difficile es la mejor opción.
Con este video vas a aprender sencillos tips sobre la prevención de una infección mientras estés en el hospital y en casa, incluyendo lavado de manos y cómo mantener tu incisión limpia.
Ha surgido un rápido aumento de bacterias que no responden al uso de los antibióticos tradicionales. Esto hace que las infecciones por bacterias sean una amenaza seria. Este programa va a describir las señales que indiquen que el antibiótico tal vez no sea efectivo y las medidas que los profesionales médicos pueden tomar para ayudar a prevenir el desarrollo de la resistencia a los antibióticos.
Una IV o intravenosa, administra líquidos o medicina al cuerpo. Desafortunadamente estas pueden provocar una infección seria si no se mantienen adecuadamente. Los profesionales médicos, los pacientes y sus familias deben trabajar juntos para prevenir estas condiciones peligrosas.
Vea este programa para aprender sobre el virus del flu, la importancia de vacunarse y las opciones de tratamiento.
VRE are germs that are resistant to certain antibiotics. Normally, VRE does not cause infections in healthy people. But in some cases, VRE can spread and cause infection. Here's what you need to know.
Salmonella is an illness that affects your intestines. It's caused by Salmonella bacteria. You can be infected from eating or drinking contaminated food or water. Here's what you should know.
E. coli is a common bacteria found in the environment, foods, and intestines of people and animals. Most types of E. coli are harmless. But certain types are harmful and can cause severe illness directly or by making toxins. Read on to learn more.
Infections caused by ESBL usually affect the urinary tract and gut (intestine). They can also infect wounds and the blood.
The best way to prevent Lyme disease is to not get bitten by a tick. Here's what you need to know about prevention, and what to do if you have a tick.
The best prevention is to not have contact with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Personal hygiene is about keeping your body clean and healthy. Good personal hygiene can make you less likely to become sick. It also helps you look and feel your best.
Colds are caused by viruses. They can't be cured with antibiotics. But you can ease symptoms and help your body's efforts to heal itself. Read on for details.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by a bacteria. It is spread from person to person through the air. Read about how to help prevent TB from spreading.
Certain infections can spread from person to person. Read this sheet to better understand how this happens in the hospital.
Giardiasis is an intestinal infection caused by a parasite. Learn about how the infection is spread, as well as treatment and prevention.
Measles is a highly contagious respiratory infection. It is caused by a virus. It usually spreads when a person comes in contact with droplets from coughs or sneezes of someone with the virus. The symptoms of measles happen about 8 to 12 days after coming in contact with a person with the virus.
Pertussis (also known as whooping cough) is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract. It spreads through droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Because pertussis can be very serious, it's important to know when to seek medical care.
Mono is best known for causing swollen glands and tiredness. But it can also cause other symptoms. Here's what you need to know.
Certain infections can spread from person to person. This is why your friend or family member may be put in a special room at the hospital. Here's what you need to know to keep you and your loved one safe.
Keeping your hands clean is the best way to prevent getting or spreading germs that cause infection. Read on for helpful tips about handwashing correctly.
Sepsis is a severe response the body has to an infection. It is most often caused by bacteria. Sepsis is a medical emergency.
Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) is a cleaning product that kills germs. Daily bathing with CHG in the hospital helps keep infections from spreading. CHG bathing is especially helpful for patients in intensive care units (ICUs).
Here are images that show the steps of hand washing.
Here are images that show the steps of using hand sanitizer.
If you live in an area with Zika, you can take important steps to protect yourself and your family.
If you travel to areas where Zika is currently active, you are at risk for a Zika infection.
To prevent infection during pregnancy, you need to protect yourself from mosquitoes and use protection during any sexual activity.
There is no vaccine to prevent Zika infection. If you are planning a pregnancy, you'll need to take steps to take to protect yourself and your partner.
Many germs that cause a GI infection can be spread through touch. Here's how to prevent their spread.
If you are being treated for C. diff and are at risk for a relapse, your healthcare provider may prescribe an additional medicine. This medicine helps stop the infection and symptoms from coming back. Read on for more details.
Experts advise that kids and teens take breaks from screens so they have plenty of time for other healthy activities . Luckily, there are plenty of ways you can help your child take some time off from a device.
Sometimes, a wound that has been sutured becomes infected. If this happens, the sutures will need to be removed so that the wound can heal properly.
Rabies is a serious illness that almost always results in death. Certain people at high risk are advised to get the rabies vaccine to help prevent the disease.
Aprende sobre la prevención posterior a la exposición al VIH (PEP siglas en inglés) incluyendo qué es y cuándo debe tomarse
Aprende de dónde viene MRSA, y cómo se dispersa.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la Septicemia, sus síntomas y cuándo pedir ayuda médica.
Aprende con este video sobre cómo tratan los profesionales médicos la Septicemia y sobre el largo proceso de recuperación.
Con este video aprenderás sobre los síntomas de la septicemia y cómo prevenirla.
Aprende sobre los síntomas de septicemia para que puedas obtener ayuda de inmediato.
Esta es una infección de cualquier parte de su sistema urinario, el cual recoge y elimina la orina. La mayoría de las infecciones del tracto urinario, o ITU, involucran la uretra y la vejiga. Pero algunas involucran los uréteres y los riñones.
La hepatitis es una inflamación del hígado. El virus de hepatitis A es un virus que puede causar esta enfermedad. Mire y vea cómo la hepatitis A se transmite de persona a persona y lo que puede hacer para tratarla.
La hepatitis B se considera una enfermedad de transmisión sexual. Esto causa una inflamación en el hígado. Mire y vea cómo la hepatitis puede propagarse de persona a persona y cómo se puede tratar.
La hepatitis C es una enfermedad provocada por un virus que infecta e inflama el hígado. Puede hacer que su hígado deje de funcionar normalmente y puede ocasionar problemas graves. Sepa cómo prevenir la hepatitis C y qué hacer si la tiene.
La mononucleosis a menudo se llama la "enfermedad del beso". Se puede transmitir fácilmente de persona a persona a través de la saliva. Este video contiene más información sobre los síntomas de la enfermedad y cómo tratarla.
Con este video aprenderás lo que debes hacer si tienes síntomas de COVID-19 incluso hacerte pruebas, o qué debes hacer si cuidas de alguien enfermo.
Cryptosporidium infection is an illness that affects your intestines. It is caused bya parasite found in the stool of infected people or animals, which can then contaminate food or water. People are often infected by contaminated water.
Non-MRSA staph infections are caused by common bacteria. Learn about how they're spread, as well as prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.
2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a virus that causes a respiratory illness. Here's what you need to know to protect yourself.
Sepsis is the body's extreme immune response to an infection. If a person survives sepsis, they may have long-term effects, including fatigue, sleep problems, and chronic pain.
If you are sick with COVID-19 symptoms, stay home.
Foodborne botulism is a rare illness caused by bacteria. The bacteria can get into your body through food you eat. It then makes a toxin that causes muscles in your body to not work (paralysis).
Candida is a type of yeast found in the body. Having too much of this yeast can cause a serious condition called candidemia.
When you have COVID-19, lying on your belly can help your lungs work better. It can help get more oxygen into your lungs more easily. It can help prevent lung injury.
How do you know if someone has the flu or COVID-19? What are the differences between these 2 illnesses? Here's what you need to know.
A person with HIV can look and feel perfectly healthy. But that person can give HIV to others as soon as he or she is infected with the virus. Read on to learn more.
TB can cause serious health problems. To protect your health, get tested.
Sepsis is a medical emergency. It happens when your body responds with widespread inflammation to a bad infection, or to bacteria in your bloodstream. Read on to learn about symptoms, risk factors, and what to expect.
HPV is a very common family of viruses. Some types of HPV can cause genital warts. Many people carry HPV. But it often has no symptoms. Here's what you need to know.
You've been diagnosed with HIV, the virus that can cause AIDS. Here's what you can do to help stay healthier and prevent the spread of HIV.
You have been diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB), a serious disease caused by a type of bacteria. Learn how to take care of yourself and prevent the spread of TB.
Whooping cough (pertussis) is a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. It is highly contagious and spreads easily from person to person through droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks.
The flu is an infection that affects your respiratory tract. This tract includes your mouth, nose, and lungs, and the passages between them. Unlike a cold, the flu can make you very ill.
West Nile virus is an illness that mainly affects birds. But an infected mosquito can spread it to people and other animals. Here's what you need to know about prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Clostridium difficile (C. diff) bacteria can be very harmful. They affect the intestinal tract. They can cause symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to severe inflammation of the large intestine (colon). Read on to learn about how this infection is caused, diagnosed, and treated--and how to prevent it.
Gastroenteritis is often called the stomach flu. Bacterial gastroenteritis is caused by bacteria, and often causes severe symptoms. Read on to learn more, including how it can be spread, prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
Learn about MRSA, a type of staph infection that's hard to treat.
Bacteria that resist treatment with more than one antibiotic are called multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs). MDROs mainly affect people in hospitals and long-term care facilities. But they are also spreading among healthy children and adults. Read on to learn more.
Bird flu is a serious illness that affects the lungs. Currently, this illness mainly infects birds. This sheet answers some of the questions you may have about bird flu.
Tuberculosis (TB) is a serious disease caused by germs (bacteria) that can spread from person to person through the air. Here is information about TB, how it's treated, and ways to help prevent its spread.
Dengue is a severe illness that causes joint pain and high fever. It's caused by a virus that is spread by mosquitoes. Read on to learn more.
Thrush is a type of fungal infection in the mouth and throat. Thrush does not usually affect healthy adults. It is more common in people with a weakened immune system. It is also more likely if you take antibiotics. Thrush is normally not contagious.
Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) are types of bacteria. They can cause infections. These infections can be hard to treat. CRE got their name from the fact that they are resistant to carbapenems. Carbapenems are a type of antibiotic medicine.
Lymphadenopathy is swelling of the lymph nodes. It is very common. The lymph nodes often get larger during a viral or bacterial infection.
This infection is caused by a type of germ (bacteria). It often spreads through contaminated food, such as undercooked meat. It can be a cause of traveler's diarrhea.
Cat scratch disease is an illness caused by bacteria that many cats carry. You can get it by petting an infected cat and rubbing your eyes. Or you can get it from a flea bite from an infected cat. Read on for details.
Chickenpox is a viral illness that spreads very easily from person to person. The virus that causes chickenpox can stay in the body after the illness and later cause shingles.
This illness is caused by a virus spread by the bite of an infected mosquito. Symptoms include a high fever and joint pain.
Valley fever is an infection caused by a fungus that is breathed in from dust in the environment. It most often causes lung infection (pneumonia). Learn about symptoms, treatment, complications, and prevention.
Cold sores are small blisters or sores on the lip or sometimes inside the mouth. Many people get them from time to time. Learn what causes them, their symptoms, and how to prevent them.,
"Colds are the most common illness that people get. Colds may be caused by over 200 types of viruses. The most common of these are rhinoviruses ("rhino" refers to the nose)."
This illness is caused by the bacteria in a tick bite. Symptoms usually show up 1 to 2 weeks after you are bitten.
Hookworms can live and breed inside people. Having a large number of these worms breeding and feeding inside you is known as hookworm infection.
Listeria is a foodborne illness. It is caused by bacteria found normally in soil and water. But sometimes these germs can contaminate food.
Malaria is caused by a parasite passed on through a mosquito bite. Malaria is rare in the U.S., but travelers are at risk for this disease.
Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) is an illness that affects your respiratory system. It's caused by a common type of virus called the coronavirus. Read on to learn details about MERS.
Norovirus is a virus that can infect the stomach and intestines. The virus spreads easily in areas of close human contact, such as schools and cruise ships.
A plantar wart is a small noncancer growth on the bottom of the foot. Learn more about them, including causes, symptoms, and treatment.
Rabies is a virus that infects the nerves and the brain. It is spread in the saliva of an infected animal. Rabies can be treated. Untreated rabies is almost always fatal.
Rheumatic fever is a disease that affects the joints, heart, and central nervous system. It causes inflammation in the body. It is most common in children ages 5 to 15.
Rocky Mountain spotted fever is a bacterial infection that can be spread through tick bites. It's a serious illness, but it can be cured with medicine if caught early.
Shigellosis is a digestive illness caused by bacteria. You can get it by eating or drinking contaminated food or water.
Tinea cruris is a type of fungal infection. The fungus infects the skin in the groin. It is more commonly called jock itch.
Tinea unguium is a type of fungal infection. The fungus infects the fingernails and, more commonly, the toenails. It's more common in men, older adults, and people who have diabetes or peripheral vascular disease.
Yersiniosis is a foodborne illness. It causes inflammation in the small intestine and colon. It is more common in children.
Zika is a virus spread through the bite of a mosquito. It may also be passed on through sexual contact and blood transfusions.
Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection. It causes small bumps on the body. Children and young adults are most often affected.
C. diff is an infection caused by C. diff (Clostridioides difficile) bacteria.
C. diff infection occurs in your colon and is caused by Clostridium difficile (C. diff) bacteria. Use this treatment plan to treat your infection at home and stop spreading it to others.
MERS is an illness that affects your respiratory system. Most cases of MERS are mild. But sometimes symptoms can be severe.
Mpox is an illness caused by a virus. It can cause fever, swollen lymph nodes, body aches, and a rash with blisters that hurt.
Anthrax is an infectious disease caused by the anthrax bacteria.
Inhalation anthrax occurs after breathing in anthrax spores in the air. Not everyone who has been exposed will get sick.
Lyme disease is a bacterial infection most often passed during the bite of a deer tick. Symptoms may appear in stages over a long period of time. Read on to learn more.
Lymphangitis is an inflammation of lymph channels. It is caused by infected lymph fluid traveling from a site of infection.
Damage to the lymph vessels stops lymph fluid from draining properly, leading to lymphedema. Symptoms include heaviness, stiffness, or aching in a limb, as well as swelling and redness.
Typhoid fever is caused by bacteria in the Salmonella family. Early symptoms include chills, sweating, dry cough, headache, body aching, and abdominal pain. A high fever may then develop.
A viral illness often lasts 1 to 2 weeks, but sometimes it lasts longer. In some cases, a more serious infection can look like a viral syndrome in the first few days of the illness. You may need another exam and additional tests to know the difference. Read on for more details.
A virus is the most common cause of illness among children. This can cause many different symptoms, depending on what part of the body is affected.
People may become infected with West Nile virus (WNV) when they are bitten by an infected mosquito. Most WNV infections are very mild or cause no symptoms at all.
People may become infected with West Nile virus when they are bitten by an infected mosquito. Most WNV infections are very mild or cause no symptoms at all.
Shingles is a viral infection caused by the same virus as chickenpox. Anyone who has had chickenpox may get shingles later in life.
People with other severe health problems are most at risk of severe illness from a C. auris infection. A severe infection can be life threatening.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HOBT) is a treatment that is used most often to treat wounds that won't heal.
If you have any type of new or chronic wound, good nutrition can help your body's overall health to help support healing. Nutrients from foods help your body build and repair tissue and heal wounds.
Wound botulism is a rare illness caused by bacteria. The bacteria can get into your body through a cut or other wound.
Wound dehiscence is when a surgical incision that has been stitched or stapled closed comes open again. This most often occurs with surgery done on the belly (abdomen).
Taking proper care of your wound will help it heal. Your healthcare provider may show you how to clean and dress the wound. He or she will also explain how to tell if the wound is healing normally. Here you will find the basic steps to follow.
Helpful information on symtpoms of wound infections, and how to treat them.
A reminder of how to apply and remove the Acticoat dressing to help your wound heal and decrease the chance of infection.
Biobrane (also called artificial skin) is a white stretchable dressing that covers the site of a burn wound. It is also used to cover the donor site if you have a skin graft. It will stay in place to protect your wound while it heals. You may do your normal activities with the Biobrane on your wound. Here are some general guidelines for home care.
A Hemovac drainage tube is used to remove fluid and is attached to a drain or collection device. This sheet can help you care for your Hemovac tube.
A Transcyte dressing covers a second- or third-degree burn. This type of dressing reduces your need for dressing changes. It will stay in place until your wound is healed. You can perform most of your normal activities with the Transcyte in place. Learn how to care for your Transcyte dressing.
An Unna boot is a dressing and wrap combination that is applied from your foot to your knee. An Unna boot has a special medicine in the gauze that will help heal burns or skin sores and protect new skin.
Taking proper care of your wound will help it heal. Your healthcare provider or nurse may show you specifically how to clean and dress the wound and how to tell if the wound is healing normally. This sheet will help you remember those guidelines when you are at home.
Your healthcare provider wants you to apply care for a special dressing, or packing, to in your wound. When a wound is deep, or when it tunnels under the skin, packing the wound can help it heal. These guidelines will help you remember how to take care of your wound.
Xeroform is a yellow dressing that covers your skin graft. It was placed by your healthcare provider or during surgery and will stay in place until your wound is healed. Here you will find how to care for your Xeroform dressing.
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is a type of treatment to help wounds heal. During the treatment, a device lowers air pressure on the wound.
Here are imaging showing how to change the dressing on a wound.
An animal bite can cause a wound deep enough to break the skin. In addition to wound care, a tetanus shot may be given, if needed. Read on to learn more.
A dog bite can cause a wound deep enough to break the skin. Learn about caring for the wound and special concerns, such as rabies prevention.
If the bandage becomes wet or dirty, replace it. Otherwise, leave it in place for the first 24 hours. Then follow these guidelines to care for your injury at home.
Learn how to care for your wound and change an absorbable gelatin dressing.
Learn how to care for yourself at home after a human bite wound.
If your wound was sewn closed, you shouldn't have to change the dressing more than twice a day in the first few days. Follow these home care instructions after your wound check.
Infection after surgery often affects just the top layers of skin. Sometimes the infection is deeper in the wound and may include a collection of fluid or pus. Treatment will depend on the type of infection you have.
It is normal to have some clear or bloody discharge on the wound covering or bandage for the first few days after surgery. Bleeding or discharge requiring frequent dressing changes can be a sign of a problem. Read on for details.
A wound that has become infected will not heal properly unless the infection is cleared. Infection in a wound may also spread if it is not treated.