Too much lead can make you, your children, and even your pets sick. Breathing, touching, or eating paint or dust containing lead is the most likely way of being exposed.
You or your children may look healthy and still have high levels of lead in your blood. To be sure, have a blood test done by a healthcare provider. You can also have your home, soil, and water tested.
Learn about home care and prevention for carbon monoxide poisoning.
Here's how to care for yourself at home after a near drowning and when to seek medical care.
Environmental tobacco smoke can be exhaled by smokers, or come directly from burning cigarettes, cigars, and pipes. When children breathe in tobacco smoke, they are at higher risk for health problems.
If a chemical comes in contact with the eye, it is very important to flush it out as quickly as possible. The effects of a chemical exposure can range from mild irritation to permanent scarring and vision loss.
If you've had a fall, this sheet can help you care for yourself at home and prevent future falls.
You had a fall today. but the cause of your fall is not certain. Falls can happen due to slipping, tripping, or losing your balance. A fall can also happen from a fainting spell or seizure. Read on to learn more.
The best way to deal with food allergies is to stay away from the foods you are allergic to. Understand and be aware of the foods that you have reacted to. Also be cautious of foods or dishes that may have flavorings or small amounts of foods that you are allergic to. Read on to learn more.
Learn how to care for yourself when you have food poisoning and when to call the healthcare provider.
A food sensitivity reaction (food intolerance) occurs if you eat foods that your body cannot digest properly. Food intolerance is often confused with a food allergy. Intolerance is from a lack of specific digestive enzymes. However, this is not an allergic reaction. Read on to learn more.
Frostbite is a freezing injury to the body's tissues caused by prolonged exposure to cold. It can cause permanent damage to the tissue.
Frostbite results from freezing of the tissue. Frostnip is a mild form of frostbite. Unlike frostbite, frostnip does not cause permanent damage to tissues.
Being in a motor vehicle accident can cause both physical and emotional effects. Know what to look for after an accident, and when to call the healthcare provider.
Being in a motor vehicle accident can cause both physical and emotional affects. Know what to look for and when you need to see a healthcare provider.
Seat belts can help save lives in a car accident. But if the body is thrown forward against the seat belt, the belt may cause a contusion or abrasion on the neck, chest, back, or belly. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
The Portuguese man-of-war is a jellyfish-like marine animal found in tropical oceans and bays. Its tentacles have coiled stingers with a very powerful and painful venom. Read on to learn how to care for yourself after being stung.
Non-venomous snakes do not have fangs and do not inject venom. Some non-venomous snakes have teeth or a sandpaper-like surface on their gum areas. This may cause a scratch mark or scrape on your skin.
You have been treated for a bite by a venomous snake. Fortunately, the amount of venom injected was so small that no more treatment will be needed. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home, and when to call your healthcare provider.
You have been treated for snake venom poisoning. Depending on how severe your condition is, it may take a few weeks to a few months to heal.
The venom from a spider bite can cause a local skin reaction. This often causes local redness, itching, and swelling. This reaction will fade over a few hours to a few days. A spider bite can become infected. Read on to learn more.
A stab wound usually causes a small opening at the skin but may go very deep. As a result, nerves, tendons, blood vessels, and organs can be injured.
Helpful information about ticks, including tips for avoiding them, removing them, and getting them identified.
Our environment has a big impact on our health and well-being. As the climate changes, it's important to understand how it affects us and how to stay safe and healthy.