La ira puede dificultar la forma en que usted hace frente a los conflictos en su vida. Pequeñas riñas se salen de control. Es posible que rompa cosas o que amenace a otros. Si esto le suena familiar, el control de la ira puede ayudar. Este le enseña maneras sanas de lidiar con su enojo. Aquí le damos algunos consejos que pueden marcar una gran diferencia.
Una experiencia traumática puede tener un impacto duradero en usted. Un accidente, un crimen violento o un desastre natural pueden herirlo mentalmente, en formas que no resultan obvias para otros. Esto es especialmente cierto para personas que luchan contra cosas tales como el estrés o la depresión. Es importante reconocer cuando se necesita ayuda.
Losing someone you care about is painful. Grief is the emotional reaction that follows. It's a normal process, with both physical and emotional signs. But even with major life changes, such as the loss of a spouse or parent, you can face the loss and move on.
Feeling better won't happen overnight. Know that you will feel better with time, as long as you let yourself grieve. Grieving helps you heal since it is a normal part of the healing process.
If you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal is a great idea. It can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health.
Anger management helps you deal with your child or grandchild in a kind and constructive way. It also sets a good example of how to handle challenging situations and work out conflicts.
Many people have consistently low self-esteem. This means they don't feel good about themselves most of the time.