Usted ha oído acerca de los peligros del "binge drinking". Eso ocurre cuando usted consume varias bebidas alcohólicas en un corto período de tiempo. Pero, ¿en qué punto se considera que el beber mucho es un binge? Y, ¿en qué modo es dañino?
Si usted controla el dolor con un opioide recetado, es posible que le hayan advertido acerca de los peligros del uso indebido de estos medicamentos. Pero, ¿qué es exactamente el uso indebido? Tomemos unos minutos para aprender acerca del uso indebido de los opioides y cómo evitarlo.
Esta es una afección física. Es un cambio en su cerebro después de que usted utiliza una droga, una y otra vez. Las células nerviosas de su cerebro, llamadas "neuronas", se acostumbran a la droga. Se adaptan a ella. Esas células comienzan a necesitar la droga para funcionar normalmente. Y el hecho de dejar de emplear la droga causa malestar o dolor. A eso le llamamos "síndrome de abstinencia".
Muchas personas que padecen un trastorno de salud mental, también tienen un trastorno de uso de sustancias. Una persona con depresión también puede abusar del alcohol. Una persona que tiene esquizofrenia también puede ser consumidor de drogas.
La adicción es un problema complejo que involucra el cerebro y el cuerpo. También conduce a muchas malas decisiones, secretos y mentiras. Para algunos, es difícil entender por qué decimos que la adicción es una "enfermedad". Por eso, tomémonos unos minutos para aprender más sobre ella.
Si te preocupa que puedas tener una adicción al alcohol, este video te guía para hacerte 10 preguntas y buscar la ayuda que necesitas.
Con este video aprenderás cómo reconocer los cambios físicos como la pérdida o aumento de peso y cambios de comportamiento que ocurren con la adicción al alcohol.
Con este video aprenderás lo que define la Adicción al Alcohol y los efectos a largo plazo del alcohol en tu cerebro y sistema nervioso.
Con este video aprenderás cómo identificar las señales de la adicción al alcohol.
Con este video aprenderás más sobre lo que es un alcohólico funcional y los recursos disponibles si tú o un ser querido enfrentan una adicción al alcohol.
Este video ayudará a que comprendas algunos síntomas, físicos y de comportamiento, de alguien que consume Metanfetaminas.
Addiction is a chronic disease of the brain. It affects how your brain learns and works. Once it is exposed to an addictive substance, your brain begins to change. These brain changes override your self-control.
The more you regularly rely on alcohol to relax you or make you feel good, the closer you move toward addiction. If you decide you are on the path to addiction, you can take action to change your behavior.
If you decide you are on the path to addiction, you can take action to change your behavior and find caring people to help you. Here are signs of a cocaine addiction.
If you decide you are on the path to addiction, you can change your behavior. Read on for some helpful questions to ask to help you understand your marijuana use.
Alcohol use disorder (AUD) is a disease where a person becomes dependent on alcohol. Read on to learn about the risks and effects of AUD.
It's important to cut through alcoholism myths and learn the facts.
Alcoholism is a disease that does not respect boundaries. Unlike most other diseases, it afflicts not just individual people, but all the social systems alcoholics are a part of as well. These include friendships, family, workplace, and community.
Learn the facts about cocaine and its use.
Cocaine is a powerful drug. It acts strongly on the central nervous system. This causes a false feeling of well-being. Using this drug can be harmful. It can cause dependency. It can affect behavior and decisions. And it has many health risks.
Here are common signs of an alcohol addiction.
Not everyone who takes a drink or tries a drug has a substance abuse problem. But for some people, what starts as social use can lead to problem use and then addiction.
Withdrawal is what happens to your body if you're a heavy drinker and stop drinking alcohol. Withdrawal symptoms can be mild to severe. How severe they are depends on how much alcohol you drink, how long you've been abusing alcohol, and if you have organ damage.
Alcohol is the drug most widely abused by kids. It's cheap, available, and many kids see their parents drinking at home. Kids don't know the health and personal risks of using alcohol.
The personal cost of using heroin can be devastating. But heroin abuse and addiction can be treated. If you or a loved one has a drug problem, there is help.
Children and young teens are most likely to use inhalants. That's because inhalants are legal and easy to get. In fact, you may have many of them in your home right now. Yet these common items can seriously affect your child's health. In some cases, they may be fatal. Learn the warning signs of inhalant abuse. You may help save your child's life.
Marijuana can cause many health problems. And it may affect how well you learn, think, and remember. If you or a loved one has a problem with marijuana, tell someone you trust. That's the first step in getting help.
Methamphetamine is a man-made illegal drug. It affects how the brain works. Here is information about meth and the risks associated with using the drug.
A helpful guide to understanding the effects of alcohol, the signs of problem drinking, and how to drink safely.
DXM is a common ingredient in many cough and cold remedies. It's also become a popular substance to abuse by teens searching for a cheap, easy high. Here's what you should know.
Learn more about GHB, a dangerous and addictive illegal drug. GHB produces a feeling of euphoria and hallucinations. It is popular with teens who go to all-night dance parties.
Some seizures are caused by alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol withdrawal usually begins after prolonged or heavy drinking for a number of days, and then you suddenly stop drinking, or cut down on your alcohol use. Seizures can also be directly caused by alcohol, even without withdrawal. Seizures may occur as soon as a few hours after your last drink or 1 to 2 days later.
Every 53 minutes, someone in the U.S. dies from an alcohol-related vehicle crash. Almost one-third of all traffic-related deaths involve alcohol. Here's what you should know to drive safely.
Alcohol intoxication occurs when you drink alcohol faster than your liver can break it down. Here are key things to know about alcohol intoxication.
Alcoholic drinks are harmful when you have too many of them. There is no set number of drinks that defines too much. Drinking that disrupts your life or your health is called alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse can hurt your relationships with others. You may lose friends, a spouse, or even your job. Here are signs that you may be abusing alcohol.
Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a condition that leads to repeated and severe bouts of vomiting. It results from long-term use of marijuana).
Alcohol withdrawal often starts after prolonged heavy drinking, and then stopping or cutting back on your alcohol use.
A substance-induced anxiety disorder is when a person has panic attacks or other anxiety symptoms caused by one or more substances.
When you think of addiction, you might think about drugs or alcohol. But there are other kinds of addictions, and all of them involve your health and well-being.
El apoyo es algo clave para alguien que se recupera de una adicción a los opioides. Como cuidador puede ser difícil comprender cuál es su papel. El profesional médico de su ser querido puede ayudarlo.
Este video es la historia de un paciente, Katie, quien superó una adicción a los opioides.
Con este programa aprenderás cómo afecta al cerebro una adicción y sobre los tipos de adicciones más comunes.
Con este programa aprenderás sobre el camino de recuperación de la Dra. Gadhia-Smith de su adicción a la sobriedad.
Con este video aprenderás sobre los riesgos de salud a corto y largo plazo provocados por el Trastorno del Abuso del Alcohol o Alcoholismo.
Este video ayuda a encontrar ayuda si tú o alguien que conoces, sufre de una adicción.
When you start to lose control of your drinking, alcohol use turns into alcohol abuse. This can cause major problems in your life and your relationships. This sheet will help you see if you have a problem.
The best solution for a problem with an alcoholic family member requires changing what the nonalcoholic members are doing. By focusing on your own needs, refusing to enable, and getting help from outside, you can help start your family on the road to recovery.
Millions of people are significantly affected by somebody's else's drinking, and an immense resource network has developed to help deal with the problem. This network includes self-help groups, professional care facilities and practitioners, and information and referral services.
Recovery means making a new life for yourself. This includes finding new interests. It includes building new relationships. It means taking better care of yourself. These will all help you replace substance use with a new and healthier life.
The road to recovery can be tough. But working with a counselor can help make your recovery smoother and keep you on track.
Drug and alcohol abuse changes the brain in ways that continue long after the abuse ends. This is why people who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are at risk for relapse. Here are some tips to prevent a relapse.
Read on to learn more about marijuana use disorder, including signs you may have it, caring for yourself, and getting help.
A peer support worker is a key member of your treatment team. This is someone who has successfully gone through their own recovery.
Estos son los pasos para administrar una dosis de emergencia de Narcan para una sobredosis de droga.
Los opioides son drogas adictivas. Ya sea medicina recetada por los doctores, medicamentos comprados ilegalmente, o la 'droga de la calle' -heroína-, todos tienen un impacto directo en el cerebro de la persona. Las personas pueden trabajar con un equipo médico para controlar su adicción.
Cuando empieza la recuperación de alguien que es adicto a los opioides, los efectos de abstinencia empiezan de inmediato. Estos pueden ser síntomas físicos o mentales leves o severos, que deben ser controlados por un profesional médico.
Cuando se inicia la recuperación de una adicción a los opioides, es importante consultar a un profesional médico. Este puede ayudar a formular un plan de tratamiento para sus síntomas de abstinencia que va a incluir una combinación de terapia y medicamento.
Hay disponibles varios recursos para las personas que luchan contra una adicción de opioides. Es importante que les pida ayuda a sus familiares y a un profesional médico.
La vida después del tratamiento para una adicción a los opioides puede ser manejada por medio de una combinación de terapia, medicamentos, apoyo de la familia y de los amigos. Encontrar un plan de tratamiento que funciona para usted puede reducir el riesgo de una recaída.
Con este video aprenderás sobre dónde obtener apoyo para ayudarte a dejar de beber, y también sobre las diferentes opciones de tratamiento.
Se necesita ayuda para superar una adicción. Encuentra ayuda para ti o tu ser querido si están batallando con una adicción.
It's hard to face a problem with alcohol. These resources can help.
If you are addicted to cocaine, you can get better. It means learning how to build a life with no drugs. Read on to learn how to get help.
Ask yourself the questions contained here. The answers can help you see where you might have problems caused by substance abuse. Then you can decide whether you're ready to do something about your use.
Facing your addiction problem takes courage and honesty. But there are many programs and people who can help you.
No single treatment for addiction works for everyone. The treatment that's best for you can depend on many factors. For many people, treatment may be a combination of medicine, behavior change, lifestyle changes, therapy, and support.
The best treatment for you will depend on your needs. But certain medicines along with behavioral therapy may help most. Detoxification is often the first step. It helps ease symptoms while your body adjusts to a drug-free state.
Because inhalants are often common household items, they are hard to control. Learn what to do if your child is abusing inhalants.
Treatment for addiction to drugs varies with your needs. Some people go through treatment only once. Others return to it off and on throughout their lives. Here are details about addiction recovery.
Drug addiction and alcohol addiction are chronic diseases that can be treated as successfully as many other chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, asthma, and diabetes.
Here are the 13 steps to give an emergency dose of naloxone nasal spray for an opioid overdose.
Learn how to care for yourself at home when you're recovering from cocaine or crack dependence.
Learn how to care for yourself at home when going through opioid withdrawal.
Learn how to help care for yourself at home after treatment for an opiate overdose.
Comprende lo fundamental sobre el kit de naloxona de uso en casa para una emergencia con opioides
Sigue las instrucciones para aplicar el aerosol nasal de naloxona