La anafilaxia es una reacción alérgica grave. Puede causar la muerte en unos pocos minutos. Sepa a qué signos debe prestar atención y qué hacer en caso de anafilaxia.
Un angioedema es una hinchazón que suele deberse a una reacción alérgica. Puede aparecer en sus párpados, su boca, sus manos, sus pies y sus genitales. Sepa a qué signos debe prestar atención y cuándo debe llamar al médico.
Nariz que gotea, picazón, estornudos... Vea cuáles son las causas de síntomas de alergia como estos y sepa cómo tratarlos.
Usted tiene una alergia cuando su cuerpo cree que algo inocuo, como el cacahuate (maní) o el polen, puede perjudicarlo. Su sistema inmunológico reacciona en forma excesiva. Esto puede producir síntomas molestos o incluso peligrosos.
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA) means you are having an allergic reaction to a common fungus called Aspergillus. ABPA causes the lungs to become inflamed. This leads to symptoms such as wheezing and coughing.
Learn how to help when someone is having a limited or severe allergic reaction.
Nasal allergies are a common health problem. Read on to learn more about them from causes and symptoms to treatment. And learn what other health problems can cause similar symptoms.
Nasal allergies are most often caused by 1 or more of 4 kinds of allergens: pollen, dust mites, mold, and animals.
From sinus infections to conjunctivitis, a look at common problems caused by nasal allergies.
Read on for tips to help limit your exposure to pollen.
Mold allergy is caused by mold spores, microscopic seed particles that travel through the air. Read on to learn where to find mold both inside and outside, and how to control it.
Dust mites are perhaps the most common cause of nasal allergies. Read on to learn how to keep them under control.
A detailed look at pet allergies, plus tips on how to reduce your exposure to these allergens.
Even a clean home can be full of allergens. Read on to see what you can do to cut down on allergens in each room of your home.
A detailed look at the different kinds of over-the-counter allergy medicines, and how they work.
Allergy shots are a type of treatment for allergies. The goal of the treatment is to make your body less sensitive to allergens. Allergens are the substances that cause your allergies.
A helpful look at the most common over-the-counter medicines that treat allergies.
You have been diagnosed with a serious allergic reaction known as anaphylactic shock or anaphylaxis. Learn how to take care of yourself at home.
Hives are red, itchy, and swollen areas on the skin. They are most often an allergic reaction from a food, medicine, or insect sting or bite. Read on to learn more about them.
After an injection, swelling and irritation (inflammation) can occur at the site where the needle entered the skin. This is a reaction to the needle or to the medicine that was injected. Or it may be a reaction to both.
Sublingual immunotherapy may help with your allergies. It may ease your symptoms if you are allergic to dust mites or pollen from ragweed and grass.
Allergies are problems of the immune system. Normally the immune system attacks harmful things such as viruses or bacteria. But sometimes it overreacts and responds to things that are normally harmless. These may include dust, mold, pollen, or food.
If you've had an allergic reaction, this sheet can help you take care of yourself at home and know when to seek medical advice.
Ansphylaxis can be life- threatening, even after using injectable epineprhine. Follow these guidelines if you've had this kind of reaction.
Follow these tips to help manage seasonal allergies.
Allergy shots, or immunotherapy, are ways to treat allergies. The shots help to lessen your body's reaction to allergens or those things that cause you to have allergy symptoms.