La espondilitis anquilosante es un tipo de artritis que causa dolor y rigidez en la columna vertebral. Por lo general afecta la zona lumbar y la cadera. Este video le mostrará sus causas y los tratamientos disponibles.
La artritis en la parte baja de la espalda y la zona de la pelvis puede causar dolor y pérdida de movilidad. Vea cómo se desarrolla esta artritis, quiénes están en riesgo y qué tratamientos pueden ayudar.
La artritis cervical es artritis de los huesos del cuello. Los huesos de su columna vertebral se llaman vértebras. Su cuello tiene siete vértebras. Entre las vértebras, hay discos de amortiguación. Con el tiempo o cuando hay una lesión, los discos pueden tener problemas y abultarse hacia afuera o volverse más delgados.
Cuando un disco de su columna vertebral se lesiona, su núcleo pulposo puede abultarse o romperse. Conozca los síntomas que puede tener si esto sucede en su cuello, y sepa cómo tratarlo.
La estenosis espinal sucede cuando se estrechan los espacios dentro de su columna vertebral. Esto puede ejercer presión sobre la médula espinal o las raíces nerviosas. Sepa qué puede hacer para aliviar el dolor, la debilidad y otros síntomas.
El dolor de la parte baja de la espalda, llamado lumbalgia o lumbago, es un problema común que afecta en gran medida la calidad de su vida. Puede limitar su capacidad para mantenerse en actividad. Puede hacer que deba faltar al trabajo. Muchas causas diferentes pueden llevar al dolor en la parte baja de su espalda.
Con la edad, los discos de su columna vertebral pueden aplanarse y endurecerse. Esto puede ocasionar problemas con los huesos y los nervios de su columna vertebral. Sepa qué puede hacer para aliviar el dolor, el entumecimiento y otros problemas.
Learn the anatomy of the sacroiliac joint.
Good posture protects your back when you sit, stand, and walk. It's also important while getting into and out of bed.
Here are tips on how to move safely and protect your back when you need to bend.
Here's how to keep your back safe while you bend, lift, and carry.
Pushing can be hard on your back, but pulling can be even harder. So, push rather than pull when you can.
When you sleep, keep your ears, shoulders, and hips in line.
Sitting can strain your back if you don't do it right. Learn the right moves to protect your back.
Good posture decreases back pain by reducing strain on your muscle.
Protect your back while you stand or turn. Turning can twist your spine if you don't do it correctly.
Your doctor will suggest the best treatment for you based on your age, how much more you are likely to grow, and the size and type of your spinal curve.
Scoliosis is a problem that makes the spine curve and twist from side to side. It's most often found in girls in their early teens. But boys can have it, too.
If a school screening or your healthcare provider finds signs of scoliosis, you'll visit a special bone healthcare provider (orthopaedist) for an evaluation. This visit helps determine what treatment may be best for you now.
A brace helps stop the curve in your spine from getting worse as you grow. It may also help keep you from needing surgery. To do the job, the brace needs to be worn almost all the time until you are fully grown.
Your body works best when it's correctly aligned. Aim for good posture throughout the day.
Being relaxed helps keep your mind healthy and your back ready to move. Read on for some helpful tips.
An unhealthy spine often starts with bad habits. Poor movement patterns and posture problems are common causes of back pain. Disk, bone, nerve, and soft tissue problems can all be affected by poor posture.
A healthy spine supports the body while letting it move freely. It does this with the help of 3natural curves. Strong, flexible muscles help, too. They support the spine by keeping its curves correctly aligned. Read on to learn more.
To take care of your back, try to warm up before you move and shift positions often.
Torticollis happens when muscles on one side of the neck contract (tighten). This causes the neck to twist or tilt to the side.
When your neck's bones, disks, and muscles are in good condition, they allow you to move your head freely and without pain.
Illustration and explanation of neck muscles.
Instructions for care after scoliosis surgery.
This information can help you care for your child who has had surgery for scoliosis.
These images show you how to lift safely.
Cervical strain is a medical term for neck pain. The neck has several layers of muscles. These are connected with tendons to the cervical spine and other bones. Neck pain is often the result of injury to these muscles and tendons.
"Coccygodynia is pain at the lowest tip of the spine (the coccyx, or tailbone). This is sometimes called a ""bruised tailbone."" Tailbone pain can be very uncomfortable. It can also interfere with daily activities, such as driving."
Lumbosacral strain is a medical term for an injury that causes low back pain. The lumbosacral area (low back) is between the bottom of the ribcage and the top of the buttocks. A strain is tearing of muscles and tendons.
The sacroiliac joint can be pushed out of place. The tissues around an SIJ also can be stretched or torn. This can lead to pain in the low back.
Back pain is 1 of the most common problems. The good news is that most people feel better in 1 to 2 weeks, and most of the rest in 1 to 2 months. Most people can remain active.
Learn about back muscle spasms and how to care for yourself when they occur.
Learn how to care for your back sprain or strain at home.
A contusion of the coccyx or sacrum causes swelling and some bleeding under the skin. This injury generally takes a few weeks to heal. Read on for details about how to care for yourself.
Here's what you need to know about treatment and home care for a back bruise.
Degenerative disk disease can affect the neck or back. It is one of the most common causes of low back pain.
Siga los pasos que muestran en este video cuando necesita salir de la cama y tiene dolor de espalda.
Read on for things you can do to prevent acute back pain from coming back, and to reduce chronic back pain symptoms.
Strong lower back and abdominal muscles work together to support your spine. These exercises will help strengthen the lower back.
The tailbone, or coccyx, is at the bottom of your spine. It is possible to break (fracture) this bone when you fall and land in a seated position. This injury takes about 4 weeks to heal. Read on for details on caring for this injury at home.
Learn how to care for yourself after being diagnosed with a vertebral compression fracture.
Learn how to care for a thoracic spine strain.
Estos son respuestas a preocupaciones comunes de la fusión espinal.