El dolor de cuello es un problema común que afecta en gran medida su calidad de vida. Este puede limitar su capacidad para mantenerse en actividad. Puede hacer que deba faltar al trabajo. Son muchas y diferentes las causas que pueden llevar al dolor en el cuello.
Si está lidiando con el dolor de cuello, usted sabe lo frustrante que esto puede ser. Afortunadamente, puede probar estas simples estrategias, para manejar el dolor de cuello.
Esta es una lesión común del cuello. Sucede cuando su cuello se sacude rápida y violentamente hacia atrás y hacia adelante. Su columna vertebral se dobla más allá de su rango normal de movimiento. Esto puede lesionar las vértebras de su columna cervical. Puede dañar los ligamentos de soporte y los músculos de su cuello.
Problems such as poor posture, injury, and wear and tear can lead to neck pain.
These self-care treatments can help ease your neck pain.
Protecting your neck from injuries and pain involves practicing good posture and body mechanics.
A cervical collar is used to provide support and limit movement of the neck. It is usually provided after a moderate to severe neck sprain.
A bruise contusion can cause swelling, pain, and changes in skin color. Read on to learn how to care for a bruise.
You have a broken bone, or fracture, in your face. This may be a small crack in the bone. Or it may be a major break, with the bone moved out of place.
A broken bone, or fracture, in your nose may be a minor crack. Or it may be a major break, with the parts of your nose pushed out of place.
A contusion (bruise) in the nose can cause pain, swelling, and stuffiness, as well as bleeding from the nose. A minor fracture can occur at the same time.
Even if a head injury seems mild, symptoms of a more serious problem may appear later. You and someone caring for you will need to watch for such symptoms.
Even if a head injury seems mild, symptoms of a more serious problem may appear later. You or someone caring for you will need watch for such symptoms.
A cut on the nose may be accompanied by a fracture. The cut may bleed. The fracture may cause pain, swelling, nasal stuffiness, and bruising around the eyes. Learn how to care for yourself at home.
Learn how to care for yourself at home as you recover from neck pain.
Learn how to care for yourself at home when you have neck or back pain.
Learn how to care for yourself at home after you've been treated for a neck sprain or strain.
A spasm of the neck muscles can happen after a sudden awkward neck movement.
Acute spasmodic torticollis is a condition of painful muscle spasm in the neck. It is also called wryneck. It is usually a result of sleeping with the neck in a strained position. Here's how to care for your child at home.
Based on your exam today, you have a broken bone, or fracture, of the nose. Some fractures are obvious and an X-ray is not needed to make the diagnosis. A nose fracture will cause pain, swelling, and nasal stuffiness. Sometimes, there is also bleeding from the nose.
Este video te ayuda a entender mejor lo que es la reparación del manguito rotador.
Con este video aprenderás sobre la cirugía de reparación artroscópica del manguito rotador.
Con este video conocerás las respuestas a preguntas comunes sobre el reemplazo de la articulación del hombro.
Si su hombro se vuelve tan rígido que no puede levantar el brazo sin sentir dolor, quizás tenga un "hombro congelado". Sepa por qué sucede y cómo puede ayudar a que su hombro se reponga.
A medida que usted envejece, los tendones que forman su manguito de los rotadores tienen más probabilidades de desagarrarse debido a una lesión o al desgaste a lo largo de los años. Sepa a qué síntomas debe prestar atención y cuáles son sus opciones de tratamiento.
El manguito de los rotadores es un conjunto de tendones donde se unen cuatro músculos del omóplato. Si estos tendones se inflaman y duelen, se trata de una afección llamada tendinitis. Sepa cuáles son sus causas, cómo prevenirla, y cómo tratar el dolor y otros síntomas.
Si le duele el hombro con frecuencia o lo siente rígido, puede que tenga artritis. Descubra qué la causa y qué puede hacer para tratar sus síntomas.
Con este video aprenderás sobre el reemplazo del hombro, y cómo prepararte para la cirugía.
Your healthcare provider can tell if your flexor tendon is cut by examining your finger. If the wound is very deep, the finger may be X-rayed to make sure the bone isn't damaged, too.
The leading cause of instability is an injury that forces the humeral head out of its socket. If the humerus pushes completely out of the joint, it's called dislocation. If it only pushes partway out, it's called subluxation.
The rotator cuff connects the upper arm to the shoulder blade. It gives the shoulder joint stability and strength. Tendonitis happens when the tendons in the shoulder become irritated and swollen.
During shoulder replacement surgery, all or part of your problem shoulder is replaced with an artificial joint, called a prosthesis.
If you have a shoulder problem, a surgical procedure called arthroscopy can help.
During your hospital stay, your healthcare team works to control your pain, get you up and walking, and start you on an exercise program to gently move and strengthen your new shoulder.
To get the most from your new shoulder, you need to take an active role in your recovery.
After shoulder replacement, you may also have more strength and movement in your shoulder and arm and be able to return to many of the activities you enjoy - like golf, swimming, bowling, and gardening.
Arthroscopy is used to diagnose and treat shoulder problems. Conditions treated by shoulder arthroscopy include impingement, torn rotator cuff, stretched capsule, torn labrum, arthritis, and loose bodies.
If you feel nagging pain and stiffness in your shoulder, you may have frozen shoulder. It is not well understood, but it often improves over time with treatment.
Doing special exercises is the first way to treat frozen shoulder. You may see a physical therapist who can help you learn to do them. If these exercises don't help, you may need further medical treatment.
To treat a frozen shoulder, stretches are tried first. If stretches alone don't help, your healthcare provider may suggest adding other treatments. Keep in mind that no treatment replaces shoulder stretches. After any of these treatments, you'll need to start your exercises again as your healthcare provider advises.
Shoulder impingement syndrome is a problem with the shoulder joint. It occurs when certain parts within the joint swell and are pinched. This can cause nagging pain and problems with moving the arm.
Learn about the ways a shoulder impingement can be treated.
Making changes in how you use your shoulder can lessen your chances of repetitive motion injuries (RMIs).
Surgery can help free up space in your shoulder joint. This relieves symptoms of impingement. Prepare for surgery as instructed. If you don't, your surgery may have to be rescheduled. Your healthcare provider will give you instructions for recovering at home. If you have any questions, be sure to get them answered.
Normally, bones glide smoothly within your joints, allowing a wide range of motion. But a bone can be pushed or pulled out of position. This is known as a dislocation.
The shoulder is made up of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Learning about the parts of the shoulder joint will help you to understand your shoulder problem.
For many people, nonsurgical treatments are enough to ease shoulder impingement symptoms. But if these treatments haven't worked, surgery may be an option.
SLAP stands for Superior Labrum Anterior to Posterior. This means that the upper rim of the tough, flexible tissue of the shoulder (labrum) has been torn from front to back.
The shoulder joint is enclosed by a sheet of ligaments and other tough fibers called the capsule. During a shoulder dislocation, fibers in the capsule can pull on the labrum and cause it to tear. A Bankart lesion is the name for a tear that happens in the lower rim of the tough, flexible tissue (labrum) of the shoulder.
A SLAP lesion is a shoulder injury. It happens when there is a tear in the labrum. This is the fibrous cartilage that helps hold the shoulder joint in place. Surgery can repair this injury.
A Bankart lesion is a shoulder injury. It happens when there is a tear in the labrum. This is the fibrous cartilage that helps hold the shoulder joint in place. Surgery can repair this injury.
After repair of your shoulder joint, you may go home the same day of your surgery. Or you may spend 24 hours in the hospital. Take care of your shoulder while it's healing and follow all instructions you are given. Full healing usually takes 3 to 4 months.
If you've had rotator cuff repair, this sheet can help you care for yourself after the procedure.
You had a shoulder arthroscopy. It is a surgical procedure that helps the healthcare provider diagnose and treat shoulder problems. These include instability, arthritis, and rotator cuff problems. Below are instructions to help you care for your shoulder when you are at home.
Reverse total shoulder replacement is a type of surgery. It's done to repair an injury to the rotator cuff.
Reverse total shoulder replacement is a type of surgery. It's done to repair an injury to the rotator cuff. Here are things to discuss with your healthcare provider.
A shoulder separation is when part of the shoulder blade separates from the collarbone. It's most often caused by an injury that damages the ligaments around the shoulder joint.
Overuse or a sudden injury to tendons can cause pain. When this problem occurs at the inner elbow, it is known as distal biceps tendonitis. Distal refers to the elbow end of the biceps, because it is farther away from center of the body.
Biceps tendonitis occurs when the biceps tendon in your upper arm are irritated or inflamed. This causes pain in the front of the shoulder.
Any one of the rotator cuff tendons can fray or tear from causes such as injury and overuse. A tear may be partial, with some of the tendon still intact. Or it may be a complete tear, with the tendon fully torn.
The subscapularis muscle is a large muscle across the front of the shoulder blade. Inflammation of the bursa in this area is called subscapular bursitis.
The shoulder is the most flexible joint in the body. But it does have limits. If the joint is pushed past these limits, the shoulder joint may move too much. This is called shoulder instability.
Strengthening exercises help make your injured shoulder more stable. To warm up, do flexibility (stretching) exercises first.
With an AC joint sprain, the ligaments that hold the collar bone to the shoulder blade may be partly or fully torn. In both cases this causes pain and swelling at the end of the collar bone.
You have a break (fracture) in your collarbone (clavicle). This will cause swelling, pain, and bruising. The first 3 to 4 weeks will be the most painful. Learn how to recover at home.
The rotator cuff can be torn from overuse or injury. Here's how to care for yourself after you've been treated for this.
The rotator cuff is a group of muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint. These muscles and tendons hold the arm in its joint. They help the shoulder turn. The rotator cuff muscles and tendons can become irritated from repeated rubbing against the shoulder bone. This is called shoulder impingement syndrome or rotator cuff tendonitis.
You have a break (fracture) of the shoulder. This may be a small crack in the bone. Or it may be a major break with the broken parts pushed out of position.
A sprain is a stretching or tearing of the ligaments that hold a joint together. A sprain may take up to 6 weeks to fully heal, depending on how severe it is. Moderate to severe shoulder sprains are treated with a sling or shoulder immobilizer. Minor sprains can be treated without any special support.
Frozen shoulder is when pain and stiffness make it hard to move your shoulder normally. This condition is also called adhesive capsulitis.
La artritis del codo puede deberse a una lesión o a la edad. Conozca más sobre esta afección y sepa cuándo una cirugía puede ayudar.
El codo de tenista es una inflamación en el hueso redondeado que sobresale en la parte externa del codo. Conozca las causas posibles y lo que puede hacer para prevenir este problema.
This condition, also called tennis elbow, is an inflammation around the bony knob (lateral epicondyle) on the outer side of the elbow. It occurs when the tissue that attaches muscle to the bone becomes irritated.
The treatment of tennis elbow depends on how inflamed the tendon is. The goal is to relieve symptoms and help regain full use of the elbow.
Arthroscopy is used to find and treat elbow problems. These include loose bodies, bone spurs, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), and synovitis.
Soft tissue may become trapped between the bones in a child's elbow joint (radial head subluxation). It often happens when a child is lifted or pulled by one arm.
Instructions for taking care of yourself after elbow arthroscopy.
Artificial elbow parts replace the surfaces of your damaged elbow. The artificial elbow has two parts. One part fits into your humerus (upper arm). The other part fits into your ulna (forearm). The resulting hinge allows your elbow to bend.
"This condition means a pain on the inside of the elbow. It's sometimes called golfer's elbow."""""
You have a bruise (contusion) of your elbow. A bruise causes local pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising. There are no broken bones. This injury takes a few days to a few weeks to heal. A sling may be given to you for comfort and arm support.
The impact from a fall or car accident can cause elbow dislocation, tearing ligaments and forcing the bones out of the joint. Usually the bones are not broken, but nearby nerves and blood vessels can be damaged.
You have a break (fracture) of 1 or more bones of the elbow joint. This may be a small crack in the bone. Or it may be a major break, with the broken parts pushed out of position. Learn how to care for yourself at home as you heal.
A sprain is a tearing of the ligaments that hold a joint together. Moderate to severe sprains are treated with a sling or splint. Minor sprains can be treated without any special support.
A break or fracture of the elbow means you have a crack or break in 1 or more of the bones of the elbow joint. Here's how to care for the fracture as it heals.
Nursemaid's elbow is an injury in which a bone of the elbow joint is pulled out of place and gets stuck in that position. It can happen when a young child is lifted or pulled by 1or both arms. Read on to learn how to care for your child.
El síndrome del túnel carpiano causa entumecimiento y dolor en las manos y los brazos. Ciertos deportes y ciertos tipos de trabajo pueden empeorarlo. Sepa cómo aparece el síndrome del túnel carpiano y lo que puede hacer para prevenir este problema.
Si tiene dolor e hinchazón en su muñeca después de una caída o un accidente, puede que se haya roto la muñeca. Sepa a qué síntomas debe prestar atención y qué debe hacer para ayudar a que su muñeca se recupere.
Si tiene artritis de la muñeca y su dolor no se alivia, puede necesitar una articulación artificial. Sepa lo que puede esperar de una cirugía de muñeca.
De Quervain tenosynovitis is a condition that can cause wrist and thumb pain.
The goal of your treatment is to relieve your pain and allow you to use your thumb again. Treatment can be surgical or nonsurgical, depending on how severe the pain is.
Wrist arthroscopy is used for diagnosis and treatment. It works best for showing ligament tears, damage to the triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC), or joint cartilage.
A wrist arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that helps the doctor diagnose and treat wrist problems, such as fractures, cysts, and ligament and cartilage tears.
A wrist sprain can be painful. It can also limit movement and use of the wrist and hand.
You have a break (fracture) of the forearm bone (radius) where it attaches to your wrist. This type of fracture may be called a Colles fracture. The bone is out of place. It must be set (reduced) to make it straight again. Once the bone is straightened, a splint or cast will be put on. The splint or cast must stay in place until the bone heals. This is usually 4 to 6 weeks).
You have a break (fracture) of the forearm bone (radius) where it attaches to your wrist. This type of fracture may be called a Colles fracture. The bone is not out of place and will not need to be set (reduced). But you will need a splint or cast. This fracture takes 4 to 6 weeks to heal.
A navicular fracture is a fracture in 1 of the small bones of the wrist. This bone heals slowly. Some navicular fractures don't heal correctly, and may need surgery.
You are very sore over a bone in your wrist called the navicular, or scaphoid, bone. This could be a sign of a hairline fracture, or break, even though no fracture was seen on the X-ray. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
Wrist drop is caused by compression of the radial nerve. Symptoms of wrist drop include weakness of the wrist and fingers and numbness or tingling of the hand. Here's how to take care of it at home after you've seen the healthcare provider.
A wrist fracture may be a small crack or chip in the bone. Or it may be a major break, with the broken parts pushed out of position. Wrist fractures are treated with a splint or cast, though severe injuries may also need surgery. Here's what you need to know at you recover at home.
A splint is designed to prevent movement of the bones, muscles and tendons. Quick-release wrist splints are used because of their comfort and convenience for wrist and hand injuries.
A wrist sprain is an injury to the ligaments or capsule that holds a joint together. There are no broken bones. Learn how to care for a wrist sprain at home.
La artritis puede dañar las articulaciones más grandes de sus manos, en la base de los dedos. Si los tratamientos realizados no le alivian el dolor, su médico puede recomendarle articulaciones artificiales. Conozca lo que sucede en este tipo de cirugía.
Dupuytren contracture is a disease that can lead to limited use of your hand. While it often doesn't cause pain, it can make it hard to straighten your fingers.
Hands are made up of more bones and moving parts than most other areas of the body. Learn more, along with helpful diagrams.
A ganglion cyst is a firm, fluid-filled lump that can suddenly appear on the front or back of the wrist or at the base of a finger. These cysts grow from normal tissue in the wrist and fingers, and range in size from a pea to a peach pit. Read on to learn more.
The only way to treat Dupuytren contracture is surgery if it appears that the disease is progressing.
Trigger finger is an inflammation of tissue inside your finger or thumb. It is also called tenosynovitis.
The treatment for trigger finder may be nonsurgical or surgical, depending on how severe your condition is. Your doctor can talk to you about the best option for you.
Instructions on how to take care of your hand after surgery.
Skier's thumb is an injury to the ulnar collateral ligament. This ligament is at the base of the thumb on the side near the pointer (index) finger.
Skier's thumb is an injury to the ligament at the base of your thumb. This surgery is to repair or reconstruct the ligament and restore function.
Infectious tenosynovitis is an infection of a tendon and its protective sheath. This infection is most common in the finger, hand, or wrist. This condition needs quick treatment to prevent permanent damage.
You have a fracture, or break, of one of the bones in your hand. This causes pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising. This injury is treated with a splint or cast.
You have a crush injury of your hand. This causes local pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising. You don't have any broken bones. This injury may take from a few days to a few weeks to heal.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful condition of the wrist and arm. It causes numbness, pins and needles, or electric shooting pains in your hand and forearm.
A contusion (bruise) causes swelling and some bleeding under the skin. This injury generally takes a few days to a few weeks to heal.
How to care for your finger after a dislocation.
You have a broken finger (fracture). This causes local pain, swelling, and bruising. This injury takes about 4 to 6 weeks to heal. Learn how to care for yourself at home.
You have a broken finger (fracture) with a nearby cut, puncture, or deep scrape. This causes local pain, swelling, and bruising. Because of the open injury, you are at risk for infection in the skin and bone. You will take antibiotics to lower the risk for infection.
A ganglion cyst is a painless bump on the wrist or finger joint. Here's how to care for it at home.
You have a fracture, or broken bone, in your hand. This may be a small crack or chip in the bone. Or it may be a major break with the broken parts pushed out of place. A closed fracture means that the broken bone has not gone through the skin.
You have a fracture, or broken bone, in your hand. An open fracture means that the bone goes through the skin. Or it may mean there is a wound in the skin that goes as deep as the fractured bone. Because of this, there is a risk of infection to the skin or bone. Here's how to care for the fracture as it heals.
You have an injury to your finger causing the tip of your finger to droop down. This makes your finger look like a small hammer or mallet.
A sprained hand may be treated with a splint or elastic wrap for support.
A sprained finger may be treated with a splint or buddy tape.
A broken (fractured) thumb causes local pain, swelling, and sometimes bruising. This injury will take about 4 to 6 weeks to heal. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
Ulnar nerve palsy is caused by damage to the ulnar nerve, which controls movement and feeling in the wrist and hand.
How to care for your thumb after you've had a dislocation.