Las cataratas son a menudo una parte normal del envejecimiento. Pero en algunos casos, también pueden detectarse en bebés o niños. Mire y aprenda cómo se forman las cataratas y cómo se pueden tratar.
El Síndrome visual causado por la computadora es un conjunto de síntomas y señales que describen lo que sienten muchas personas después de trabajar dos o más horas con una computadora.
La córnea es la capa transparente que cubre el frente del ojo. Si está muy dañada, puede afectar su visión. El siguiente video le mostrará cómo se tratan las abrasiones de la córnea.
El glaucoma es un grupo de enfermedades que pueden causar pérdida de la visión y ceguera. Este video le dará más información sobre el glaucoma y como se trata.
La miopía es un problema común de la vista que puede afectar a uno o a ambos ojos. Con ella, la luz no se enfoca adecuadamente sobre la retina. Por el contrario, el foco está delante de ésta. Con la miopía, las cosas que están distantes se ven borrosas. Mientras que las cosas que están cerca se pueden ver bien.
Este es un problema común de la vista que puede afectar a uno o a ambos ojos. Con ella, la luz no se enfoca adecuadamente sobre la retina. Por el contrario, el foco está en algún punto detrás de ella. Para las personas jóvenes con hipermetropía, las cosas que están cerca pueden verse borrosas, mientras que las cosas que están distantes se ven con claridad. Después de los 40 años, tanto la visión de cerca como la de lejos pueden volverse borrosas.
Esta enfermedad produce la pérdida de la visión. Afecta el centro de su campo visual. Generalmente afecta ambos ojos, pero en algunas personas solo afecta uno. Este tipo de degeneración es un adelgazamiento y descomposición gradual de la mácula. La mácula es parte del tejido de la retina, sensible a la luz, que ve los detalles finos en el centro de su campo visual.
La presbicia es la pérdida gradual de su capacidad para ver objetos cercanos con claridad. Es una parte normal del proceso de envejecimiento, y algo que la mayoría de las personas nota después de los 40 años de edad. Tiende a empeorar hasta alrededor de los 65 años.
Este es un problema con la forma de su ojo. Hace que a su ojo le cueste trabajo enfocar. Esto impide que usted pueda ver con claridad. El astigmatismo puede afectar tanto su visión de cerca como la de lejos.
Detrás de la pupila de su ojo hay una lente que enfoca la luz. En un ojo saludable, la lente es transparente. La catarata es una opacidad de esta lente. La catarata bloquea la luz y puede interferir con su visión.
Este trastorno, también llamado glaucoma de "ángulo estrecho" o por "cierre angular", es una acumulación de presión en su ojo. Por lo general sucede en forma muy rápida. Puede dañar su nervio óptico. Puede causar ceguera.
Esta afección es el resultado de un aumento de la presión dentro de su ojo. Se desarrolla lentamente. La mayoría de las personas no se da cuenta de que tiene un problema hasta el momento en que su vista ya está dañada.
Este es un problema visual que hace que los ojos no estén alineados correctamente. Estos no apuntan en la misma dirección al mismo tiempo cuando se mira un objeto. El estrabismo no permite una visión enfocada. Cuando uno de los ojos no se alinea como debe, comúnmente recibe el nombre de "ojo vago o perezoso". Con frecuencia, el estrabismo se nota poco tiempo después del nacimiento. Pero se puede desarrollar más tarde en niños y adultos.
Esta es una separación de la retina, de la superficie interna del ojo. La misma deteriora gravemente su visión. Sin el tratamiento adecuado, esta pérdida de visión puede volverse permanente.
El ojo contiene un líquido gelatinoso al que denominamos "humor vítreo". Este ocupa el interior del ojo y lo ayuda a mantener su forma. Pero con esta afección, el vítreo se separa de la parte posterior del ojo. Esto puede dañar la capa de células sensibles a la luz que llamamos "retina". Esto puede afectar su visión.
Con esta afección, sus lágrimas no logran mantener sus ojos lo suficientemente húmedos. Esto ocurre si su cuerpo no produce suficientes lágrimas. También puede suceder si sus lágrimas son de mala calidad.
Estas son manchas o hilos oscuros o transparentes que usted ve flotar en su campo visual. Se mueven cuando usted mueve los ojos. Si trata de enfocarse en ellas, es posible que salgan rápidamente de su campo de visión. Esto puede resultar muy molesto.
Esta es una obstrucción de las pequeñas venas de su ojo. Normalmente, estas venas retiran la sangre de la retina (la capa de células sensibles a la luz ubicada en la parte posterior del ojo). Cuando las venas se bloquean, su visión puede verse dañada.
Nystagmus is abnormal eye movement that can't be controlled. Some treatment options may help reduce symptoms, but they won't stop the problem completely.
OHS is a disease that can lead to vision loss. It is caused by a fungus. Learn more about the signs and symptoms of OHS, plus how it is treated.
A pterygium is a wedge-shaped growth on your eye. It may be white, pink, or red in color. It is not cancer.
A nevus is a colored growth on your eye. It's much like a mole on your skin.
Glaucoma is an eye disease that can cause blindness. It often begins when pressure builds up in the eye. If caught early, it can often be controlled. But it often has no symptoms, so you need regular eye exams.
AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in adults over age 50. Learn about the 2 types of AMD and how to spot the symptoms.
The retina is the inside lining of the eye. It turns light into nerve signals. These signals are then sent to the brain where they become the images you see. The retina may be torn or detached due to aging, an eye injury, or other problems. Tears and detachments are painless.
Months or even years after cataract surgery, your vision can become cloudy again. A laser treatment called YAG capsulotomy can help.
You might know it as red eye or pink eye. A quick guide to conjunctivitis and what causes it.
To be comfortable, your eyes need to be lubricated, or bathed, with tears. But if your eyes don't produce enough tears, the surface gets irritated. This is known as dry eyes.
Uveitis is a serious eye problem. Left untreated, it can lead to other conditions such as glaucoma, and even vision loss. Here's what you should know about possible causes and symptoms.
Blepharitis is a redness and swelling (inflammation) of the eyelids. The membrane covering the inside of your eyelid and the white of your eye may also become inflamed. It can't always be cured. But it can be controlled.
Conjunctivitis is an irritation or infection. It affects the membrane that covers the white of your eye and the inside of your eyelid (conjunctiva). It can happen to one or both eyes.
Conjunctivitis may be caused by allergies or other irritants. The problem can keep coming back. Sometimes an eye infection will result. Treatment involves relieving the symptoms and avoiding the cause of the irritation.
Infections are caused by viruses or germs (bacteria). Treatment includes keeping your eyes and hands clean. Your healthcare provider may prescribe eye drops, and tell you to stay home from work or school if you're contagious.
Here is information on different vision problems.
Presbyopia is the loss of close-up focusing. With age, the lens in the eye hardens and can't change its shape as easily. It then can't focus clearly on close objects. This makes them look blurry.
Glasses can correct presbyopia. They focus the image back onto the retina. This way, you can see an object clearly. There are several kinds of glasses you can choose from.
When you have low vision, you can't see well enough to get around or do daily activities. Regular glasses or contact lenses may not help. Your central or side vision, or both, may be reduced.
A clear lens in the eye focuses light. This lets the eye see images sharply. With age, the lens slowly becomes cloudy. The cloudy lens is a cataract. A cataract scatters light and makes it hard for the eye to focus.
In most cases, a black eye is a minor injury and can be treated at home. But there are times when you should get medical care right away.
While a slight cut or scratch to your cornea is minor, some eye injuries can be very serious. Learn when you should go to the emergency room, and what treatment options to expect.
Hyphema is bleeding in the front part of your eye.
Ultraviolet keratitis is when exposure to too much UV (ultraviolet) light hurts your cornea. This causes pain and affects your vision.
Your vision depends on how light is focused in your eye. A look at 3 common problems with focusing that make vision blurry: farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatism.
Strabismus and amblyopia are common vision problems in children. Your child won't outgrow these problems, but both can be treated.
Good vision needs the eyes, eye muscles, and brain to all work together. When that doesn't happen, vision problems can occur.
Aniridia means lack of an iris. It is a rare disorder in which the iris of the eye is partly or completely missing.
A corneal ulcer is an open sore on your cornea. In most cases, it's caused by an infection.
Ectropion is an eyelid that sags or turns outward. It often affects one or both lower eyelids. Ectropion leaves the eye too exposed. The eye can become dry, irritated, and even infected. This can lead to serious problems. In some cases it can lead to loss of eyesight.
Herpes eye disease is a condition caused by the herpes simplex virus. It causes redness, pain, tearing, and other symptoms in the eyes.
Iritis is the inflammation of parts of the eye. It causes pain, sensitivity to light, and other problems.
Keratoconus is an eye disorder where your cornea thins slowly over time. It happens more often in young adults in their teens and 20s.
A subconjunctival hemorrhage is when a blood vessel breaks open in the white of the eye. It causes a bright red patch in the white of the eye. It is similar to a bruise on the skin. This type of hemorrhage is common. It can look quite alarming, but it is usually harmless.
When one of the vessels that carry blood to your eye's retina gets blocked, it can cause you to lose your eyesight. This problem often happens suddenly and without any pain. This is called a central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO).
Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelid. It causes swelling of the eyelids, and it is usually caused by a bacterial infection or a skin condition.
Blurred vision is when your vision is no longer sharp and you can't see small details. Any vision changes, whether sudden or over time, should be checked out by an eye specialist.
A chalazion is a blocked, swollen oil gland in the eyelid. A chalazion can vary in size. It may appear on the inside or outside of the lid.
Coloboma is a defect of one or both eyes that is present at birth. With coloboma, a part of the eye is missing a piece of its tissue.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by an injury, allergic reaction, infection, or illness. Symptoms may include redness, irritation, itching, swelling, or burning.
Allergic conjunctivitis is caused by an allergen. Symptoms may include redness of the eye, swelling, fluid leakage, and itching or burning.
Bacterial conjunctivitis is caused by an infection. Symptoms include a thick, pus-like discharge from the eye, swollen eyelids, redness, eyelids sticking together upon awakening, and a gritty or scratchy feeling in the eye.
A conjunctival foreign body is a very small object, such as an eyelash or dirt, that has become trapped under the eyelid. This can be very irritating to the eye, no matter how small the object is.
Viral conjunctivitis is a common infection of the eye. It is very contagious. The most common symptoms include redness, discharge from the eye, swollen eyelids, and a gritty or scratchy feeling in the eye.
An eye contusion can cause pain and swelling around the eye. The skin may also change color.
An abrasion of the cornea is very painful. Symptoms include frequent tearing, blurry vision, and sensitivity to light.
A contact lens can injure the cornea. The cornea is very painful when injured, but it usually heals quickly.
A corneal ulcer is an open sore on the cornea. A corneal ulcer may cause redness, pain, increased tears, and pus or mucus draining from the eye. It may also cause blurry vision and swelling of the eyelid.
Dacryocystitis is an infection of the tear sac. This can happen if the tear duct is blocked. Dacryocystitis can cause redness, swelling, and pain just below the lower lid, near the nose.
The retina is the light-sensitive part of the eye that allows you to see. High blood sugar can damage blood vessels of the retina and cause them to leak or bleed. This damage can lead to abnormal blood vessel growth. This condition is called diabetic retinopathy. Tight control of your blood sugar can help.
Double vision means that you are seeing 1 object as 2 images. One or both eyes may be affected. There are many causes of double vision.
A flash burn occurs when the eye is exposed to too much ultraviolet light, such as from welding or strong reflected sunlight.
Narrow-angle glaucoma causes the fluid pressure in the eye to rise rapidly. It can result in permanent blindness within days if not treated.
Open-angle glaucoma causes fluid pressure in the eye to rise slowly. This causes vision loss over months to years. It may cause complete blindness if not treated.
Herpes keratitis is an infection of the cornea with the herpes simplex virus. It is a very serious disease, which can cause blindness if it isn't treated. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
Hyphema is bleeding in the front part of the eye. This most often happens after a direct blow to the eye. It may cause blurred or dim vision, and pain from increased pressure in the eye. Read on to learn how to care for this injury at home.
Iritis is an inflammation of the iris. It can be caused by injury to the eye or disease elsewhere in the body. Symptoms include redness, pain in the eye or brow region, sensitivity to light, and blurred vision.
The meibomian glands are small glands located inside the upper and lower eyelids. They secrete oils that work with tears. If your meibomian glands become blocked by thickened oils, your eyes will become dry. Your eyes may feel irritated.
Periorbital cellulitis is an infection of the tissues around the eye. It's most often caused by an infected scratch or insect bite. Sometimes it's caused by a sinus infection. Learn how to care for this condition at home, and when you should call your healthcare provider.
With age, part of the retina can pull away from the blood vessels at the back of the eye, causing a loss of vision in the affected area. Eye surgery is needed to treat a retinal detachment.
With age, the gel that fills the eye contracts, and can tear the retina. This causes floaters and flashes of light. It can lead to retinal detachment and vision loss.
If a metal particle gets into the eye, tears can cause the metal to rust and form a stain on the cornea. This can last even after the particle is removed.
A sty is when the oil gland of the eyelid becomes inflamed. It may develop into an infection with a small pocket of pus (an abscess). This can cause pain, redness, and swelling.
A subconjunctival hemorrhage is a result of a broken blood vessel in the white portion of the eye. It is usually painless and is not serious.
Uveitis is inflammation inside the eye. This can be caused by injury to the eye or disease somewhere else in the body. Symptoms include eye pain, redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and floating spots in the vision.
Learn about caring for a child or an adult with uvulitis.
The vitreous is the clear, thick gel inside your eyeball. A hemorrhage means there is some blood in it.
Learn about fluorescein angiography, an eye test that lets your healthcare provider examine the back of your eyes.
An evaluation helps your eye healthcare provider learn more about your vision problems.
Most often, seeing a few flashes and floaters is normal. Some people may notice them for a while after eye surgery. Most flashes and floaters need no treatment. But sometimes they can be signs of a serious eye problem.
If you have vision loss from macular degeneration, you can continue many of the activities you do now. Vision aids can help you with tasks that need detailed vision. Keep monitoring your vision and call your eye healthcare provider if you notice any changes.
Red eyes aren't caused only by viral and bacterial infections. Allergies and environmental irritants are often to blame. Here's a look at these 2 common causes of eye inflammation, and how to treat them.
Like any operation, small-incision cataract surgery needs preparation.
Your healthcare provider will let you know what you should and shouldn't do once you get home. You may need to wear eye protection the first day.
After cataract surgery, it is important to have regular eye exams. This is the best way to check the health of your eyes. It will help you maintain good vision.
A stye is a common problem in children. It's an infection that appears as a red bump or swelling near the rim of the upper or lower eyelid.
Este video muestra cómo aplicarte las gotas en los ojos.
A muchas personas les resulta difícil colocarse gotas oftálmicas. Esto puede ser un tanto complicado. Pero con un poco de práctica, no es realmente difícil de lograr. Aprendamos cómo hacerlo.
Aprende como esta cirugía láser mejora tu visión.
Esta cirugía se utiliza para eliminar una catarata. Durante el procedimiento, se reemplaza el cristalino opaco en su ojo por una lente artificial que le permitirá ver con claridad. A este procedimiento se le llama a veces, cirugía de cataratas "sin agujas y sin puntos". Es rápido, indoloro y usted puede regresar a casa el mismo día.
Esta cirugía se utiliza para eliminar una catarata. Durante el procedimiento, se reemplaza el cristalino opaco en su ojo por una lente artificial que le permitirá ver con claridad. Este procedimiento es rápido, indoloro y usted puede regresar a casa el mismo día.
Esta cirugía corrige la visión borrosa. Reemplaza una capa de células dañadas en la parte de adelante de su ojo, con tejido sano de un donante.
Este procedimiento utiliza un láser para tratar el interior de su ojo. Puede encoger o destruir tejidos y vasos sanguíneos anormales. También puede crear pequeños puntos de tejido cicatricial para reparar una retina desprendida.
Este procedimiento, también llamado queratoplastia perforante, se utiliza para reparar una córnea dañada. La córnea es la superficie exterior y transparente del ojo, que permite que la luz entre por la pupila. Durante esta cirugía, se reemplaza una porción de la córnea dañada con tejido corneal sano, tomado de un donante.
Este es un tratamiento para un desprendimiento de retina. La retina es la capa fina de tejido sensible a la luz, que se encuentra en la parte posterior del ojo. Con este procedimiento, una burbuja de aire o gas empuja su retina y la coloca de nuevo en su lugar.
Esta cirugía consiste en extraer el material gelatinoso que se encuentra en la parte posterior del ojo. Lo llamamos "humor vítreo". Puede ser necesario extraerlo porque está turbio o bien, para permitir que su cirujano corrija un problema de su retina.
Con este video aprenderás como la cirugía de cataratas reemplaza el cristalino opaco del ojo por un lente artificial para mejorar la visión.
A surgeon removed the cloudy lens in your eye and replaced it with a clear manmade lens. Here's what you can expect after surgery, along with tips for a healthy recovery.
After a particle is removed from your eye, the cornea will be sensitive as it heals. Here is some information for home care and for follow-up care with your provider.
Treatment can prevent or limit vision loss from glaucoma. The goal of treatment is to control glaucoma by lowering eye pressure. Medicines and procedures may also help.
Depending on your retinal damage, your eye care provider may use one or more procedures to treat the problem. Some treatments can be done in your eye care provider's office. Others need surgery in a hospital or surgery center.
Find out how a YAG laser uses fast, tiny bursts of energy to improve your vision during a capsulotomy.
YAG capsulotomy is a quick, painless outpatient procedure. Here's what you can expect.
A helpful, step-by-step guide to putting in eye drops safely.
Most eye infections are caused by viruses or bacteria. Many can spread from person to person. Learn about the symptoms of viral and bacterial eye infections, and also how to treat them.
Artificial tears are the most common treatment for dry eyes. If they don't ease your symptoms, your eye care provider may put in plugs. Or they may advise surgery to stop the draining and increase the tear film.
Left untreated, uveitis can lead to vision loss. It's important to seek medical help right away.
Helpful tips on treating blepharitis with a warm compress and washing the area gently with an eyelid scrub.
Your eye doctor may prescribe eye drops or an ointment. These will help ease redness, swelling, and irritation. Your eye doctor will also need to check your eyes following treatment.
Contact lenses can correct presbyopia. They focus the image back onto the retina. This way, you can see an object clearly. There are 2 kinds of contacts you can choose from.
Using vision aids can help you do the things you need and want to do. There are many kinds of vision aids. You can buy them at low-vision centers. Some eye healthcare providers also sell these aids.
You may be surprised by how little time small-incision cataract surgery takes.
Once your old lens has been removed, your surgeon slips the new lens (IOL or intraocular lens) in through the incision. The IOL is then placed in the capsule that held your old lens.
Cataract surgery involves removing the cataract and replacing the lens. Here are the two most common ways that cataracts are removed.
Take a closer look at how a new lens is implanted after cataract surgery.
Refractive surgery can improve your eyesight, but it does have some risks.
LASIK is laser surgery that helps reshape your cornea. It can help you see better without glasses or corrective lenses.
PRK is surgery to help you see better without glasses or corrective lenses.
Phakic intraocular lenses (PIOLs) can help you see better without glasses or corrective lenses. Here's what you can expect.
Strabismus is a condition where the eyes don't line up in the same direction. One eye may turn in, up, or down, while the other eye looks straight ahead. If not treated, it can lead to another eye problem.
Your child's eye doctor may recommend strabismus surgery to help align your child's eyes. This is a safe, common procedure. Read on to learn more about the surgery, and what to expect before and after it's done.
In most cases of amblyopia, the brain ignores signals coming from one eye. Over time, the brain gets used to working only with the other eye. So amblyopia must be treated as soon as possible.
Corneal ring implantation is a type of eye surgery. It puts a small ring of plastic into the cornea. It is done to fix an eyesight problem, so you can see more clearly.
Corneal transplantation is a surgery to replace a cornea that has problems.
A dacryocystorhinostomy is a type of surgery. It's done to make a new tear duct between your eyes and nose.
Pneumatic retinopexy is a procedure to correct a detached retina. It helps to bring back vision. It uses a special tool to repair the retina, and a small bubble of gas to hold the retina in place so it can heal.
Scleral buckling surgery is a type of eye surgery. It's done to correct a detached retina. It can restore vision.
Trabeculectomy is a type of eye surgery done in the front part of the eye. It's done to treat glaucoma by draining some fluid from the eye. If you have glaucoma, fluid can drain too slowly. This can cause the pressure in your eye to increase. This then increases pressure on the optic nerve. This surgery helps to lower pressure inside the eye.
A vitrectomy is a type of eye surgery to treat problems with the retina and vitreous.
Trabeculectomy is a type of eye surgery done in the front part of the eye. It's done to treat glaucoma by draining some fluid from the eye. This helps to lower pressure inside the eye.
A vitrectomy is a type of eye surgery to treat problems with the retina and vitreous. During the surgery, your eye healthcare provider removes the vitreous and replaces it with another solution.
Aniridia means lack of an iris. It is a rare disorder in which the iris of the eye is partly or completely missing. Here are details on treatments and complications.
Color blindness is when you can't see some colors in a normal way. Read on for details about treatment, and helpful tips on living with this condition.
Computer vision syndrome is a group of eye problems. These problems are due to a lot of computer use. Treatment is done by making changes in your use of computer or digital screens.
A corneal ulcer is an open sore on your cornea. Treatment may include medicine to treat the infection, as well as medicine to ease pain and swelling.
Herpes eye disease is a condition caused by the herpes simplex virus. Learn about treatment, prevention, and possible complications.
Corneal ring implantation is a surgery to put in a small ring of plastic into the cornea. It is done to fix an eyesight problem and let you see more clearly.
A cornea transplant is a surgery that replaces a damaged or diseased cornea with healthy corneal tissue from a donor.
Iritis is the inflammation of the iris. It causes pain, sensitivity to light, and other problems.
Laser photocoagulation uses a laser to seal off abnormal blood vessels in your eye. This treatment can't restore eyesight that you already have lost. But it may slow down the damage to your central vision.
A pterygium is a type of growth on the eye that is not cancer. Often, it is only a minor problem unless it causes changes in your eyesight. Pterygia (the plural form of the word) are common in people who are exposed to ultraviolet (UV) rays for long periods of time.
Photodynamic therapy for the eyes uses lasers and a special medicine that works when exposed to a type of light. It is done to treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Pneumatic retinopexy is a procedure to correct a detached retina. It helps to bring back vision. It uses a special tool to fix the retina and a small bubble of gas to hold the retina in place so it can heal.
Laser photocoagulation uses a laser to seal off abnormal blood vessels in your eye. Laser photocoagulation can't restore eyesight that you already have lost. But it may slow down the damage to your central vision.
Photodynamic therapy is a treatment for the eyes. It uses lasers and a special medicine that works when exposed to a type of light. It is done to treat age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
An eye patch is often used when there has been an injury to the eye. It provides protection from further injury and keeps the eyelid closed. This promotes healing after an injury to the cornea.