El reflujo gastroesofágico se produce cuando el ácido de su estómago sube hacia su esófago. Si no se trata, puede ocasionar problemas graves. Sepa cuáles son las causas del reflujo gastroesofágico, a qué síntomas debe prestar atención, y cómo puede prevenirlo y tratarlo.
Esta es una irritación regular de su esófago. Esta es la parte de su sistema digestivo que va desde la boca al estómago. La irritación que se siente proviene del ácido que ha escapado del estómago.
Esta es una sensación de ardor en el pecho. Está relacionada con su aparato digestivo. Muchas personas experimentan acidez estomacal de vez en cuando y sienten, por lo general, una molestia leve. Pero para algunos, puede ser un problema crónico y doloroso.
If you often have a painful burning feeling in your chest after you eat, you may have GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease).
In some cases, acid reflux can cause throat symptoms. These include having trouble swallowing and feeling like you have a lump in your throat. Read on to learn more.
GERD can irritate the esophagus. It can cause problems with swallowing or breathing. In severe cases, GERD can cause recurrent pneumonia or other serious problems.
Aprende como pueden eliminar un apéndice inflamado antes de que se rompa.
Durante este procedimiento, un cirujano le extirpa el apéndice. En algunos casos, su proveedor de atención médica podría primero darle antibióticos. Pero la mayoría de las personas necesitarán que le extirpen el apéndice de inmediato.
Esta es una inflamación de su apéndice. La apendicitis puede ser muy dolorosa. Sin el tratamiento adecuado puede conducir a una infección con riesgo de muerte.
La apendicectomía es una operación quirúrgica para tratar la apendicitis. Esta es una hinchazón dolorosa de su apéndice, un pequeño órgano conectado a su intestino grueso.
Your side may hurt so much that you called your healthcare provider. Or maybe you went straight to the hospital emergency room. If the symptoms came on quickly, you may have appendicitis. This is an infection of the appendix. Surgery can remove the infection and relieve your symptoms. Read on to learn more.
Esta afección se desarrolla cuando parte de su estómago sobresale a través de una abertura de su diafragma, llamada "hiato". El diafragma separa su pecho de la cavidad abdominal. El hiato es la abertura por la que pasa su esófago.
Con esta cirugía se repara un punto débil en su pared abdominal. Evita que los órganos y tejidos sobresalgan a través de ella. Esta es una afección a la que denominamos "hernia".
Con esta cirugía se repara un punto débil en su pared abdominal. Evita que los órganos y tejidos sobresalgan incómodamente a través de ella. Esta es una afección a la que denominamos "hernia".
En este video verás cómo se repara una hernia en adultos.
A hernia is when an organ or tissue pushes through a weak area in the belly (abdominal) wall. Read on to learn about types of hernias and how they are diagnosed and treated.
This common problem occurs when part of the stomach slides up through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. Hiatal hernias aren't like hernias in your groin. Most hiatal hernias cause no symptoms and need no treatment. If you notice symptoms, usually you can control them easily.
Although a hernia bulge may appear suddenly, hernias often take years to develop. They grow larger as pressure inside the body presses the intestines or other tissues out through a weak area in the abdominal wall, often at the belly button, or a site of previous surgery. With time, these tissues can bulge out beneath the skin.
A hernia can happen when there is a weakness or defect in the wall of the abdomen or groin. Intestines or nearby tissues may move from their usual location and push through the weakness in the wall, causing a bulge.
La gastritis es otra manera de referirse a un malestar estomacal. Suele aparecer después de haber comido o bebido demasiado. Obtenga más información sobre los síntomas de la gastritis, cuáles son sus causas y qué hacer para sentirse mejor.
Le han diagnosticado la enfermedad de Crohn y usted tiene dudas e inquietudes. Usted puede estar preguntándose cómo afectará su vida. La buena noticia es que usted puede tomar medidas para manejar sus síntomas. Estos consejos le ayudarán.
Esta es una denominación que se le da a ciertas afecciones que causan problemas en su tracto intestinal. Con la EII, sus intestinos se irritan y se inflaman. Esto empeora con el tiempo. La colitis ulcerosa y la enfermedad de Crohn son las formas más comunes de EII.
Esta enfermedad crónica afecta a su intestino grueso. Con este problema, los intestinos son hipersensibles. Es posible que necesite ir al baño frecuentemente y con urgencia. Eso puede resultar incómodo y embarazoso. Puede interferir con su vida diaria.
Si padece el síndrome de intestino irritable (SII, o IBS por sus siglas en inglés), usted ya sabe cuán frustrante puede ser esta afección. Es incómodo e inconveniente y puede ser embarazoso. La buena noticia es que usted puede tomar medidas para manejar sus síntomas. Estos consejos le ayudarán.
Esta es una enfermedad crónica que afecta a su intestino grueso. Con ella, su intestino se inflama. Y se forman llagas, que llamamos "úlceras", en las paredes internas de su intestino.
Esta enfermedad crónica de su tracto digestivo hace que le resulte difícil digerir los alimentos en forma apropiada. Con mayor frecuencia, la enfermedad de Crohn afecta la parte inferior del intestino delgado (llamada "íleon") y la parte superior del colon. Pero la inflamación puede producirse en cualquier lugar a lo largo de su tracto digestivo.
Crohn's disease causes swelling, inflammation, and irritation in the digestive tract. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Read on to learn more.
People who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) have digestive tracts that react abnormally to certain substances or to stress. This leads to symptoms like cramps, gas, bloating, pain, constipation, and diarrhea.
Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and sores (ulcers) in the inner lining of the rectum and colon. It is a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Read on to learn about how this condition is diagnosed and treated.
Colitis is when a part of your colon becomes inflamed or swollen. Colitis can be caused by infections, certain medicines, and inflammatory bowel disease.
Viral gastroenteritis is a viral infection of your gastrointestinal tract. It can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and other symptoms. In most otherwise healthy adults, it usually runs its course in a few days. The biggest risk is dehydration.
Crohn's disease is inflammation of the intestinal tract that comes and goes in flare-ups. Crohn's disease is a form of inflammatory bowel disease.
Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the intestines. It is not a disease, but a group of symptoms caused by changes in the way the intestines work.
Estos son partículas endurecidas que se forman dentro de su vesícula biliar. Este órgano pequeño juega un papel en la digestión. Almacena la bilis, un líquido digestivo que ayuda a descomponer los alimentos grasos y a eliminar los desechos del cuerpo.
Las piedras en la vesícula pueden ocasionar mucho dolor y ponerlo en riesgo de tener otros problemas. Vea cómo se forman estas piedras, o cálculos, y por qué puede que necesite cirugía para extirpar la vesícula.
Estas son respuestas a preocupaciones comunes de la cirugía de vesícula.
Este video te ayudará a entender por qué y cómo elimina un cirujano la vesícula biliar.
Esta es una cirugía que se realiza para extirpar un pequeño órgano que está ubicado debajo de su hígado. Se llama "vesícula biliar", y su función es almacenar la bilis (líquido utilizado para la digestión). Es posible que necesite esta cirugía si se han acumulado cálculos en su vesícula biliar, o si esta está causando otros problemas. Usted podrá vivir una vida normal sin este órgano.
Gallstones form when certain substances in the bile crystallize and become solid. Read on for details about symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Biliary colic is spasm of the gallbladder. This can be caused by gallstones blocking the passage of bile out of the gallbladder. Here's how to care for the condition at home.
Cholecystitis is inflammation and infection of the gallbladder. This can be caused by a gallstone blocking bile from passing out of the gallbladder. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
The gallbladder can become irritated and spasm because of gallstones. This is called biliary colic. It causes abdominal pain.
Algunas personas tienen pequeñas bolsas en su tracto digestivo. Esas bolsas a veces pueden inflamarse y causar dolor. Mire y aprenda lo que causa esta enfermedad y cómo se puede tratar.
Algunas personas tienen pequeñas bolsas en su tracto digestivo. Si las bolsas se inflaman, pueden causar dolor y otros problemas. Mire y aprenda lo que causa esta enfermedad y cómo se puede tratar.
Las úlceras pépticas son llagas que se forman en el interior del esófago, el estómago o el duodeno. Sepa cuáles son sus causas y cómo reponerse.
La pancreatitis crónica es una inflamación del páncreas que no desaparece o que empeora. Sepa cuáles son sus causas y cómo tratarla.
Si bebe demasiado por mucho tiempo, eso puede inflamar su hígado y causarle una hepatitis alcohólica. Conozca los síntomas de la hepatitis alcohólica y sepa cómo tratarla.
A algunas personas, beber leche, comer queso o tomar helado puede provocarles molestias digestivas. Aprenda sobre la intolerancia a la lactosa y sepa cómo prevenirla y aliviar los síntomas.
La colitis pseudomembranosa es una irritación del intestino grueso o colon. Ciertos antibióticos pueden causarla. Este video le muestra cómo sucede esto y lo que se debe tener en cuenta.
El tracto digestivo, también conocido como el tracto gastrointestinal (o GI), es la vía por la cual el alimento pasa a través del cuerpo. El tracto digestivo comienza en la boca y termina en el recto. Los órganos en el tracto digestivo descomponen los alimentos, extrayendo los nutrientes y expulsando los desechos restantes.
Esta es una enfermedad del sistema inmunitario. Con ella, su sistema inmunitario reacciona a alimentos que contienen gluten. El gluten es una proteína que se encuentra en el trigo, el centeno y la cebada. Cuando usted ingiere gluten, su sistema inmunitario ataca y daña a su intestino delgado. Eso hace que a su cuerpo le resulte difícil absorber los nutrientes.
Le han diagnosticado cirrosis y usted tiene preguntas e inquietudes. ¿Cómo le afectará? ¿Qué significa para su futuro? Bien, significa que necesitará hacer algunos cambios en su vida. Utilice estas simples estrategias para controlar su cirrosis y para mantener su hígado tan sano como sea posible.
Esta es una llaga que se forma en el revestimiento de su tracto digestivo. Se desarrolla cuando los ácidos del estómago dañan la capa de mucosa que protege las paredes de su tracto digestivo. Una úlcera péptica se puede formar en su estómago. También puede formarse en su esófago o en la parte superior de su intestino delgado.
Esta afección es una inflamación e hinchazón de las venas del ano o recto. Las hemorroides pueden presentarse dentro o fuera del ano.
Blood in your vomit or stool can be a sign of gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding. GI bleeding can be scary. But the cause may not be serious. Here's a look at the possible causes of GI bleeding, and the types of tests you can expect.
Abdominal pain is pain in the stomach or belly area. Everyone has this pain from time to time. In many cases it goes away on its own. But abdominal pain can sometimes be due to a serious problem, such as appendicitis. So it's important to know when to get help.
Ileus occurs when there is a problem with the movement of food and waste through the digestive tract. This is not caused by a physical blockage.
A peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of your stomach or in the first part of your small intestine. It can cause belly pain and other symptoms. In some cases, a peptic ulcer may get worse and lead to serious problems. But with treatment, most people fully recover.
A small bowel obstruction is when part or all of your small intestine (bowel) is blocked. Then digestive contents can't move through the bowel properly and out of your body. Treatment is needed right away to remove the blockage. Read on for information about symptoms and treatment.
A large bowel obstruction occurs when part or all of your large intestine is blocked. As a result, waste can't move through your bowel properly and out of the body. You must be treated right away to manage the blockage.
Do you often have burning pain in your chest? You may have esophagitis. This is when the lining of the esophagus becomes red and swollen (inflamed).
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease. You can manage the disease by removing gluten from your diet. This relieves your symptoms.
Esophageal varices are enlarged veins at the lower end of the esophagus. Varices most often occur because of problems with blood flow in the liver caused by chronic liver disease. Read on for a look at how they're diagnosed and treated.
Gastroparesis (also called delayed gastric emptying) happens when the stomach takes longer than normal to empty of food. For many people, gastroparesis is a lifelong condition. Read on to learn more about gastroparesis and how it can be managed.
The duodenum is the first part of the small intestine. It's just past the stomach. Duodenitis is inflammation of the lining of the duodenum. This sheet tells you more about this health problem.
An esophageal ulcer is an open sore in the lining of your esophagus. The esophagus is the tube that carries food and liquid from your mouth to your stomach. Here's what you need to know about this condition.
Ischemic colitis happens when blood flow to the colon is reduced or blocked. It should be treated right away.
A Schatzki ring is a thin ring of extra tissue inside the lower end of the esophagus.
An anal fissure is a small rip or tear in the lining of the anus. Learn about its causes, symptoms, and treatment.
MSA is surgery to treat GERD. It prevents stomach contents from coming back into the esophagus.
Pouchitis is a health problem you can get after having J-pouch surgery. It's when a pouch made during the surgery becomes red and swollen.
Diverticulosis and diverticulitis are 2 problems involving the colon (large intestine). These conditions can be painful. But they can be managed. Read on to learn how.
Traditionally ulcers were thought to be caused by too much spicy food, stress, or an anxious personality. We now know that most ulcers are likely due to infection with bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori).
You have Barrett esophagus. This means that there have been changes to the lining of the esophagus near the stomach. The changes may have been caused by the acid reflux that happens with GERD. The changed lining isn't cancer. But it may raise your risk of having cancer later on.
If you have a problem swallowing foods or liquids, you may have dysphagia.
Gastritis is a painful inflammation of the stomach lining. Work with your healthcare provider to find ways to treat your symptoms.
If your pancreas suddenly becomes irritated or inflamed, you have acute pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis is often very painful. Emergency medical treatment is usually needed.
Rectal bleeding is when blood passes through your rectum and anus. It can occur happen with or without a bowel movement. Rectal bleeding may be a sign of a serious problem in your rectum, colon, or upper GI tract. Call your healthcare provider right away if you have any rectal bleeding.
Most hemorrhoids aren't something to worry about. But a thrombosed hemorrhoid is more painful. It occurs when a small blood clot develops in an external hemorrhoid. This can cause severe pain and sometimes bleeding. Read on to learn more.
The colon and rectum have a smooth lining composed of millions of cells. Changes in these cells can lead to growths in the colon called polyps. These can become cancerous and should be removed. Read on to learn more.
"Hemorrhoid tissues are ""cushions"" of blood vessels that swell slightly during bowel movements. Too much pressure on the anal canal can make these tissues stay enlarged and cause symptoms. This can happen both inside and outside the anal canal. "
To diagnose hemorrhoids, your healthcare provider will rule out other problems and determine how bad your hemorrhoids are. Read on to learn more.
Violent coughing or vomiting may cause a tear in your lower esophagus. A hiatal hernia or childbirth can also lead to this kind of tear.
Neurogenic bowel is the loss of normal bowel function. It's caused by a nerve problem in the lower part of the colon.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is an allergic reaction. It occurs in the esophagus.
Understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment of a bruised spleen.
A gastric ulcer is an open sore in the stomach lining. Ulcers can cause pain. But they may also have no symptoms for a long time.
An intestinal obstruction is when the small or large intestine is blocked at one or more spots. This prevents air, food, stool, and fluid from passing normally through the digestive system.
An ulcer can go through all the layers of the digestive tract and form a hole (perforation). This is called a perforated ulcer. This is a serious health problem that needs urgent medical attention.
A perianal abscess is an infection around your anus. Learn about what it is, its symptoms, and how it's treated.
Functional dyspepsia is a set of long-term symptoms. You can learn ways to manage your symptoms over time. This may include taking medicines. It may also mean making changes to your diet and managing your mental health.
Lysis of adhesions is a surgery to cut bands of tissue that form between organs. These bands are called adhesions. They are often caused by scar tissue that formed after an earlier surgery.
Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) is an uncommon health problem in adults. It's when you have sudden, recurring episodes or attacks of vomiting. The attacks may occur over a period of a few days or weeks.
Signs of an internal injury may take time to appear after a blow to the abdomen, even if the condition does not seem serious at first. Watch out for new symptoms.
Sometimes it's hard to pinpoint the exact cause of abdominal pain. But, it's important to know how to care for yourself and what to watch for.
The gastrointestinal form of anthrax occurs after eating food that has been contaminated with anthrax spores or meat from an animal infected with anthrax. Not everyone who ingests anthrax will get sick. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
Ascites is fluid collecting in the belly. Symptoms include belly swelling and a feeling of pressure. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
Gastroenteritis is an infection in the intestinal tract. It is often caused by bacteria. This infection may cause fever, vomiting, stomach cramping, and diarrhea. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
Constipation can be an uncomfortable and frustrating condition. Learn how to care for yourself at home and when to call the doctor.
The biggest concern with diarrhea is fluid loss(dehydration). This sheet can help you take care of yourself while you are ill.
The main concern with bacterial diarrhea is becoming dehydrated. This sheet can help you care for yourself at home.
This sheet can help you take care of yourself when you have diarrhea.
Here's what to eat and drink for the first few days after you've had vomiting or diarrhea.
Certain foods produce gas when digested. In some people, these foods make an excessive amount of gas. Read on to find out which foods to avoid, and what other things may be causing gas.
Some people get pouches along the wall of the colon as they get older. These pouches are called diverticula. They often cause no symptoms. If the pouches become blocked, you can get an infection. This infection is called diverticulitis.
When the muscles of the esophagus tighten or contract abnormally, it is known as spasm. Esophageal spasm is more common in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease.
The esophagus can become blocked after swallowing a large piece of food, taking a large pill, or swallowing foreign objects. Recurring blockage can be a sign of disease in the esophagus.
Esophagitis is an inflammation of the lining of the esophagus. This can occur from acid reflux or an infection. The most common cause of infection is a fungus called candida.
If you've recently been treated for fecal impaction, this sheet can help you prevent future problems.
It can be hard to tell the difference between food poisoning and viral gastroenteritis. Home care is similar in either case. This sheet can help you take care of yourelf while you are ill.
Gastritis is inflammation and irritation of the stomach lining. It can be present for a short time or it can be long lasting.
Gastroenteritis can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping. Here's how to take care of yourself at home and when to call your healthcare provider.
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins inside the rectum and near the anus.
Learn how to care for yourself and manage your diet when you have lactose intolerance.
Accidentally taking too much of a medicine or swallowing a chemical product may be harmful. Follow these instructions if there is no sign of toxic effects.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas. Read on to learn details about care for this condition.
Pinworms are parasitic worms. During a pinworm infection, they live in the rectum and cause intense itching around the anus.
Pyloric stenosis is narrowing of the pylorus. This can block the passage of food out of the stomach. The problem is often first seen in young infants.
When certain fish are not refrigerated correctly, bacteria can grow inside them. The bacteria cause the release of histamine from the fish. Eating spoiled fish containing histamine can cause allergy-like symptoms.
Indigestible objects are sometimes swallowed by adults. Some objects may move through the digestive tract and pass out of the body with no problems and no need for treatment.
Tapeworm is a parasite that grows in the intestines (gut). They can live in your body for many years, or they can leave the body during a bowel movement. Tapeworms can cause an infection.
Traveler's diarrhea is an infection in the intestinal tract caused by bacteria called E coli. This bacteria is commonly found in water supplies of developing countries.
The appearance of blood in the stool depends on where in the gastrointestinal tract the bleeding is coming from. Blood from the upper part of the GI tract is usually black or dark. Blood may also appear in the vomit. This looks like coffee grounds.
A peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach. It may also occur in the duodenum. Learn how to care for yourself when you have this condition.
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation and ulcers in the rectum and colon. It's a form of inflammatory bowel disease. Learn about symptoms, home care, and follow-up care.
Gastritis is irritation and inflammation of the stomach lining. An ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach. The causes and symptoms of gastritis and ulcers are very similar.
Gastroenteritis is also called the stomach flu. The main treatment for this illness is to be sure to stay hydrated.
Learn how to care for yourself during a vomiting illness.
The cause of epigastric pain is not always obvious. It may be accompanied by other symptoms depending on what is causing it.
A hiccup is a spasm of the diaphragm muscle. In most cases, hiccups are not serious. They last just a few minutes, and often go away without any treatment.
A peptic ulcer is an open sore in the lining of the stomach or duodenum. In many cases, bacteria called H. pylori are thought to be involved in the development of a peptic ulcer.
A blood clot in this vein is not common. But it can happen in some people with certain health conditions or an injury.
Epiploic appendagitis is a self-resolving condition that results from lack of blood flow to a localized lobule of fat sitting on the outside of the colon.
Gastric polyps are abnormal growths on the inner lining of your stomach. Most are harmless and don't cause symptoms. But some of them turn into cancer.
The spleen is a small organ in the upper left part of the belly (abdomen). It sits under the left ribs in front of and behind the stomach. If your spleen is injured, here's what you should know when caring for yourself at home.