Con este procedimiento se toma una muestra de la piel de su cuerpo. Lo hacemos para estudiar las células de la piel y detectar signos de enfermedad. También la utilizamos para eliminar crecimientos sospechosos. Hay tres tipos principales de biopsias de piel. Veamos cada uno de ellos.
Esta es una cirugía para tratar el cáncer de piel. Con esta técnica, el cirujano estudia cuidadosamente el tejido a medida que lo extrae, a fin de asegurarse que no queden células cancerosas. A menudo se le utiliza para los cánceres de la cara y el cuello. Puede ser una buena opción para los cánceres que son raros o agresivos.
EVLT is a procedure that uses laser heat to treat varicose veins. Read on to learn what you can expect before, during, and after this treatment.
Venous thrombolytic therapy is a treatment that uses medicine to dissolve a blood clot in a vein in your arm or leg. Here's what you need to know about this procedure.
The most common way to treat spider and small varicose veins is sclerotherapy.
You stand the best chance of controlling your acne if you follow your treatment plan. Acne often takes months to improve, not days or weeks.
A detailed look at methods for treating warts. To get rid of your warts, your healthcare provider may need to try more than 1 type of treatment.
A helpful, step-by-step guide to doing a monthly skin check and tracking any changes in your moles.
Learn more about rosacea treatment, from medicine and eye drops to helpful skin care tips.
Here are tips to help you care for yourself when you have atopic dermatitis.
The success of your medical treatment depends on you. When your healthcare provider gives you a treatment plan, ask when you should expect to see results. Then, follow your plan. Here are some additional self-care tips.
Follow these instructions to control itching and manage symptoms if you've come in contact with the sap oil contained in poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac plants.
Information on surgery as a treatment choice for varicose veins.
You have been diagnosed with cellulitis. This is an infection in the deepest layer of the skin and tissue beneath the skin. In some cases, the infection also affects the muscle. Cellulitis is caused by bacteria. Read on to learn how to take care of yourself at home.
You had a procedure in which your varicose veins were surgically removed. Here's what you can do following surgery to help with your recovery.
An abscess (sometimes called a boil) occurs when bacteria get trapped under the skin and begin to grow. Pus forms inside the abscess as the body responds to the bacteria. Here's how to care for your abscess at home.
When an abscess or boil is drained, a wound is left. Here's how to help the wound heal.
Your burn has become infected. This is often because skin germs (bacteria) have gotten into the burn area. Here's how to care for the burn at home.
Hot water on the skin can cause a first- or second-degree burn. A first-degree burn causes only redness and heals in a few days. A second-degree burn is deeper. Here's how to care for your burn at home.
An object, or foreign body, has been removed from under your skin. Although care was taken to remove all particles present, there is always a chance that a small piece may have been left behind. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
Learn about the care needed if you have a small particle under the skin.
The foreskin is the skin covering the head of the penis. In most infants, the foreskin cannot be pulled back. This is normal.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is chronic inflammation of the sweat glands. It is a severe form of acne. Firm, red, painful bumps (nodules) form. These are often filled with pus. Read on to learn how to care for this condition at home.
Hidradenitis suppurativa is chronic inflammation of the sweat glands. It is considered a severe form of acne. Read on to learn how to care for this condition at home.
A lipoma is a growth made of fatty tissue. It is not cancer (benign). A lipoma may be removed because you don't like how it looks, or because it is painful or growing. Here's how to care for your wound at home.
Sometimes a toenail or fingernail needs to be removed because of injury or infection. Your nail has been removed. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
Scars are a natural part of the healing process. They are hard to prevent. Most scars fade and become less noticeable over time. You can take steps to help this process along. Read on to learn more.
You have an epidermoid cyst. This is a small, painless lump under your skin. Your cyst became inflamed or infected and your healthcare provider wanted to drain it. Here's how to care for your wound at home.
An epidermoid cyst is a sac filled with material that can be thick or liquid. It is usually not painful, unless it becomes inflamed or infected. Here's how to care for a cyst at home.
Ticks are small arachnids that feed on blood. A tick bite may cause a local reaction like that of a spider, with a small amount of local redness, itching and slight swelling. Sometimes there is no local reaction.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) may help treat hair loss. This sheet will help you better understand this treatment.