Tu frecuencia cardíaca, respiratoria, presión sanguínea y temperatura son conocidos como signos vitales. Midiendo tus signos vitales ayuda a que tu profesional médico sepa si tu cuerpo está bien.
A computed tomography (CT) scan is an imaging test that uses X-rays and a computer to make detailed images of the body. A CT scan shows details of the bones, muscles, fat, and organs.
A computed tomography (CT) scan is a type of imaging test. It uses X-rays and a computer to make images or slices of the body. A CT scan can make detailed pictures of any part of the body, including the bones, muscles, fat, organs, and blood vessels. They are more detailed than regular X-rays.
Este video les va a mostrar a las personas como describir su dolor abdominal e identificar algunas causas posibles, tanto como aprender estrategias de cuidado en casa.
Este video les va a enseñar a las mujeres como describir su dolor abdominal e identificar algunas causas posibles, también como aprender estrategias de cuidado en casa.
Este video les va a enseñar a las personas que es lo que causa el dolor de pecho, la manera precisa de describir y reconocer los distintos tipos de dolor de pecho y como mejorar los síntomas o buscar asistencia médica de emergencia.
Este video les va a enseñar a las personas cómo reconocer los síntomas de una amenaza de aborto en las primeras 20 semanas de embarazo, como también lo que deben hacer cuando hay síntomas y lo que pueden esperar de sus doctores.
Este video va a enseñarles a las personas qué provoca piedras o cálculos en el riñón y los síntomas asociados. También van a aprender cómo se diagnostican y se tratan los cálculos renales.
Este video va a mostrarles a las personas como se transmite el catarro y cómo tratar los síntomas con medicinas sin receta médica y estrategias de cuidado en el hogar.
Con este video aprenderás cuál es la diferencia entre un resfriado y una alergia.
Recuerda cuándo debes llamar al doctor si tuvieras síntomas de flu.
Este video les va a enseñar a los pacientes, estrategias para el tratamiento de la diarrea y vómito en casa, y también cuándo deben buscar ayuda médica.
Aprende maneras de reducir el dolor y restaurar el movimiento y la fuerza en la parte baja de la espalda.
Rhabdomyolysis is a condition in which a large amount of muscle is damaged. It is a medical emergency and needs treatment in the hospital.
A foreign object can get into the cornea. A trapped speck of dirt or grit is often a minor problem. But anything metal, or an object that goes through (pierces) your cornea, can cause severe damage.
Even severe heat stress can appear suddenly, so learn the warning signs and how to treat them.
When your child has a fever, it can be frightening. Some fevers can trigger a seizures in a child. They are usually brief and rarely cause problems.
Based on your visit today, the healthcare provider doesn't know what is causing your chest pain. In most cases, people who come to the emergency room with chest pain don't have a problem with their heart. Instead, the pain is caused by other conditions. Read on to learn more.
Con este video aprenderás lo que es la deshidratación, los síntomas de deshidratación y por qué es importante mantenerte hidratado.
Este video te ofrece una lista de pasos para reducir tu riesgo de deshidratarte.
A blunt injury to your abdomen can be very serious. It's important to get medical care right away, even if you feel OK. Here's what you need to know.
Carbon monoxide is a deadly gas you can't see or smell. Breathing in even small amounts can make you sick. Large amounts can be fatal. Know the signs and symptoms.
A contusion is a bruise. A bruise happens when a blow to your body doesn't break the skin but does break blood vessels beneath the skin. Blood leaking from the broken vessels causes redness and swelling.
Prompt treatment for even mild dehydration is crucial. At greatest risk for dehydration are infants, children, and older adults. Know when to seek medical help.
Anaplasmosis is an illness caused by bacteria that's spread by ticks. The bacteria are called Anaplasma phagocytophilum. The illness causes fever, muscle aches, and other symptoms.
A rash is a common skin condition that occurs when the skin is irritated. A rash can be red, itchy, swollen, dry, or painful.
A contusion (bruise) causes swelling and some bleeding under the skin. This injury generally takes a few days to a few weeks to heal.
A contusion causes swelling and some bleeding under the skin. This injury generally takes a few days to a few weeks to heal.
A contusion causes swelling and some bleeding under the skin. This injury generally takes a few days to a few weeks to heal. Read on to learn how to care for yourself at home.
A bruise (contusion) of a lower extremity can cause pain, swelling, and skin color changes. Learn about home care for the bruise as it heals.
A (bruise) contusion of an upper extremity causes pain, swelling, and skin color changes. This injury may take from a few days to a few weeks to heal. Here's what you need to know.
Dehydration occurs when the body loses too much fluid. Symptoms include thirst and decreased urine output.
Entiende cuál es la diferencia entre una alergia a la penicilina o un efecto secundario
Los pasos para usar RHCE: reposo, hielo, compresión y elevación para tratar una lesión.
Esta es la manera de escoger un bastón de la medida correcta para ti.
Esta es la manera de escoger muletas de medida correcta para ti.
Esta es la manera de escoger una andadera de la medida correcta para ti.
Este video muestra los pasos para aplicarte una inyección a ti mismo.
Esta es la manera de atravesar puertas usando una andadera.
Estos son los pasos para atravesar una puerta usando muletas.
Esta es la manera de subir y bajar las banquetas con una andadera.
Estos son los pasos para sentarte con una andadera cuando no puedes soportar peso en un pie o pierna lastimada.
Esta es la manera de sentarte sin riesgo usando una andadera.
Esta es la manera de sentarte sin riesgo con muletas cuando no puedes soportar peso en tu pie o pierna lesionada.
Estos son los pasos para sentarte con muletas, cuando puedes soportar peso en tu pie.
Estos son los pasos para ponerte de pie con una andadera cuando no puedes soportar peso en tu pie o pierna.
Esta es la manera de ponerte de pie sin riesgo usando una andadera.
Esta es la manera de ponerte de pie usando muletas.
Esta es la manera de usar un bastón.
Esta es la manera segura de usar un bastón en las escaleras.
Estos son los pasos para usar una andadera cuando no puedes poner peso en un pie o pierna lastimada.
Cómo usar una andadera.
Esta es la manera segura de usar muletas en las escaleras.
Esta es la manera para usar las muletas con "paso a paso" para caminar soportando peso.
Estos son los pasos para usar correctamente las muletas con "paso exacto" para caminar soportando peso.
Esta es la manera de usar muletas con balanceo.
Esta es la manera de usar muletas con balanceo exacto.
Este video les enseña a las personas cómo reconocer una posible concusión, incluyendo los síntomas, también a comprender cómo deben recuperarse de una concusión y cuándo es seguro reanudar las actividades.
El síndrome posconmocional es un conjunto de síntomas que usted puede tener después de sufrir una conmoción cerebral. Esto ocurre cuando se golpea la cabeza con tanta fuerza, que su cerebro se lesiona. Usted puede tener una conmoción cerebral incluso si no pierde el conocimiento.
Después de una conmoción cerebral, es posible que sienta algunos efectos físicos y emocionales inesperados. Usted puede experimentar cosas como dolores de cabeza, problemas de memoria y depresión. A esto le llamamos "síndrome posconmocional". Usted puede tener este síndrome incluso si su lesión no pareció severa. Y estos efectos pueden durar mucho tiempo.
Este video les va a mostrar a las personas como se transmite el virus de la influenza, como reconocer los síntomas y su tratamiento en casa. También van a saber cuándo deben obtener ayuda médica en casos severos.
Este video va a enseñarles a las personas la manera como se transmite la bronquitis y cómo reconocer sus síntomas. También cómo se diagnostica y se trata, incluyendo estrategias de tratamiento para mejorar los síntomas en el hogar.
Este video va a enseñarles a las personas qué es lo que provoca la neumonía y cómo reconocer los síntomas. También aprenderán estrategias para el tratamiento de la neumonía, incluyendo uso seguro de antibióticos, y cuándo deben obtener ayuda médica.
Este video les va a enseñar a las personas cuáles son los síntomas y causas de la celulitis, también cómo es tratada en el consultorio del doctor y lo que puede hacer en casa para mejorar los síntomas.
Con este video aprenderás las causas de los cálculos biliares, los síntomas, complicaciones y estrategias de tratamiento.
Este video les va a enseñar a las personas cuáles son las principales causas del dolor de cuello y espalda, también estrategias para mejorar el dolor en casa, incluyendo el uso de medicinas sin receta médica.
Este video les va a mostrar a las personas como utilizar DHCE (RICE en inglés) para el tratamiento de heridas de articulaciones, tanto como la manera correcta de aplicar las técnicas en casa.
Este video les va a enseñar a las personas como deben de cuidar de su yeso antes y después de que se haya endurecido por completo, y cuando deben de consultar a su profesional médico.
Este video va a mostrarles a las personas cómo deben pararse, sentarse, caminar, subir y bajar escaleras de manera segura usando muletas.
Las muletas o la andadera que use deben ser del tamaño correcto de manera que usted pueda moverse de manera segura. Este video muestra cómo ajustar correctamente el tamaño de las muletas o de la andadera.
Este video muestra cómo usar sus muletas para subir y bajar escaleras, cómo pasar por una puerta, y cómo entrar y salir de un automóvil.
Este video muestra cómo usar una andadera cuando tiene que evitar todo el peso de una pierna, y cómo usarla cuando su médico dice que puede apoyar el pie entre un paso y otro.
Caminar con muletas toma práctica, pero no es difícil. Este video muestra cómo caminar con sus muletas, dependiendo de si puede o no poner peso en la pierna o el pie lesionado.
Do you know what to do if you encounter an emergency? Follow these clear instructions and be prepared.
Rescue breathing is needed if a person collapses and stops breathing. In CPR, rescue breathing may also follow chest compressions if a person's heart is not beating. Know the steps.
Shock occurs when the body's supply of oxygen decreases. First aid can slow the progression of this life-threatening condition until emergency medical care is available.
It's important to know how to help someone who is choking. This sheet can help.
Call 911 if you can't stop the bleeding or the victim shows signs of shock.
Follow these illustrated step-by-step instructions to learn how to bandage a wound.
A break in the skin is an open door, inviting dirt and germs to enter your body and cause infection. Learn how to prevent infection with correct first-aid care.
Helpful information on treating poisonous bites and swallowed poisons.
Intense cold can freeze the water in the body's cells (frostbite). In addition, exposure to cold may cause the body's overall temperature to drop (hypothermia). The result can be death.
Be prepared. Know what to do for heat exposure.
A heart attack is an emergency, but the condition that causes it usually takes years to develop. Over time, fatty substances collect on the walls of the heart's arteries. As these arteries become narrower, it's more likely that one will become fully clogged, causing a heart attack.
A break in the skin is an open door, inviting dirt and germs to enter your body and cause infection. Follow these instructions to care for a puncture in the skin.
Some chemicals cause burns. Others may be absorbed through skin or lungs, causing hidden damage.
Cuts, scrapes, and burns are hard to avoid. Most minor injuries can be treated at home. A small wound may threaten your health if it causes severe blood loss or becomes infected. Call your doctor if a wound doesn't heal within a couple of weeks.
Most bites and scratches from household pets are nothing to worry about. But some bites or scratches can be serious. Others may become infected or pose the risk of rabies. So it's best to talk with your healthcare provider or get medical care.
Most insect bites are harmless and cause only minor swelling or itching. But if you're allergic to insects, such as wasps or bees, a sting can cause a life-threatening allergic reaction. The venom (poison) from scorpions and certain spiders can also be deadly, although this is rare. Knowing when to get emergency care could save your life.
You're most likely to come in contact with biting or stinging marine life when you're swimming or wading. Learn how to get care if that occurs.
Human bites can be more serious than animal bites because they often become infected. Many severe human bites occur during fights when a fist strikes someone's teeth. These bites may damage tissue deep in the hand. Children may bite each other during play or fights.
Snakebites are often harmless, but a few can be deadly. Even nonpoisonous bites may sometimes cause an infection or allergic reaction. That's why getting treatment right away is vital. Read on to learn more.
Learn all about tick bites, including removing a tick, common symptoms of tick-borne diseases, and when to get medical help after a bite.
If your cooling system fails, your body temperature can rise to very high levels. This is called heatstroke and it can be deadly.
One of the greatest risks of fire other than burns is smoke inhalation. Find out what to do if you are caught in a building with smoke.
You or a loved one may have had an accident or serious illness. If so, you are likely to be worried and afraid. Knowing more about the emergency room (ER) can help you feel less anxious.
Dehydration happens very quickly in infants and small children, who don't have as much fluid to spare. It can quickly become very serious. Rehydration is the crucial process of returning those fluids back to the body to restore normal functioning.
Be prepared. Learn what to do if your baby has an object in the airway.
A blocked airway can be very serious, even deadly. Choking can block the flow of air and cut off oxygen to the brain. This can cause permanent brain damage or death.
It will take some time for your gunshot wound to heal. Follow these instructions and any others your healthcare provider gives you to help you recover at home.
Here are images that show the steps for doing the Heimlich maneuver on a baby.
Here are images that show the steps for doing the Heimlich maneuver on a child.
Refresh your skills in CPR. Here are the steps to know, including how to use an automated external defibrillator.
To use your walker, you need to learn new ways to get around in your home and other places you need to go. Always use an elevator if one is available. If you have to use stairs, try to have someone below to guard you.
Here are images showing how to use a walker on stairs.
Here are images showing how to pick crutches that correctly fit you.
Bronchitis is an infection of the air passages in the lungs. It often occurs along with a cold. A severe bronchitis infection is treated with an antibiotic.
Bronchitis is inflammation and swelling of the lining of the lungs. It is often caused by a viral infection. This is not treated with antibiotics.
A fever is a normal reaction of your body to an illness. The temperature itself often isn't harmful. It actually helps your body fight infections. You don't need to treat a fever unless you feel very uncomfortable.
Pneumonia is an infection deep in the lungs. Learn how to care for yourself at home with this condition.
Air bags inflate at more than 100 mph. Because of this great force, the air bag may injure you when it strikes your body. Such injuries are usually minor scrapes and chemical burns to the face, hands, or arms. Here's what you need to know about home care.
A black widow spider bite can cause pain, numbness, tingling, redness, and swelling at the bite site. Learn how to heal from bite at home.
Learn how to care for a brown recluse spider bite at home.
A cat bite can cause a wound deep enough to break the skin. The wound is cleaned and either closed, or left open to drain if it becomes infected. In addition to wound care, a tetanus shot may be given, if needed. Learn how to care for the wound as it heals.
A centipede sting can cause pain, swelling, and redness at the sting site.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. If it 's deep, it may need stitches. Minor cuts may be treated with surgical tape, skin glue, or other basic dressings. Learn how to care for yourself at home.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. If you have a chin laceration, skin glue may be used to repair the cut. Read on to learn more.
Choking occurs when a foreign object becomes lodged in your throat or windpipe, blocking the flow of air.
If you are a victim of domestic violence, you may be feeling confused, frightened, sad, angry, or ashamed. You are not alone. Unfortunately, what happened to you is very common.
A fishhook has been removed from under your skin. This area may be sore for the next 1 to 2 days. Because this was a dirty puncture-type wound, the risk of infection is higher than normal.
Follow these guidelines to care for your gunshot wound at home.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. This will usually need stitches or staples if it is deep. Minor cuts may be treated with a surgical tape closure or skin glue. Learn how to care for yourself at home.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. A cut that has been closed with stitches can become infected, especially if the wound was dirty. Antibiotics may be used to treat the infection.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. Deep cuts usually need stitches or staples. Minor cuts may be closed with surgical tape or skin adhesive.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. Deep cuts may require sutures. Minor cuts may be treated with surgical tape closures or skin glue.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. Some cuts are closed with skin glue. This closes the cut quickly, and provides a water-resistant cover for the wound.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. A cut that has smooth edges and is not infected may be closed with skin glue.
A cut on the nose may be accompanied by a fracture. The cut may bleed. The fracture may cause pain, swelling, nasal stuffiness, and bruising around the eyes. Learn how to care for yourself at home.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. This will usually require stitches if it is deep. But, if a laceration remains open for too long, the risk of infection increases. If too much time has passed, suturing may be too risky.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. A laceration requires stitches or staples if it is deep or spread open. A small laceration often doesn't require stitches.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. Lacerations may be treated with stitches, staples, surgical tape, or skin glue. Here's how to care for yourself at home.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. If it is deep, it may need stitches or staples to close so it can heal. Minor cuts may be treated with surgical tape closures.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. This will require stitches if it is deep. Minor cuts may be treated with surgical tape.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. A cut on the outside of the lip may be closed with stitches, surgical tape, or skin glue. Cuts inside the mouth may be sutured or left open, depending on the size.
Learn how to care for yourself at home when you have a scalp laceration.
A laceration is a cut through the skin. If a cut has become infected, and too much time has passed since the injury, it cannot be closed. It will heal best if left open and cleaned daily.
It's possible for a cut (lacerationt) to the hand to injure a nerve. This type of injury can cause numbness, loss of feeling, and weakness in the hand, finger, or thumb. Here's how to recover from this injury at home.
You have a laceration that has been closed with skin adhesive, a type of skin glue. Read on to learn how to care for this at home.