Esta cirugía trata los párpados que están caídos o fláccidos. Elimina el tejido extra que se forma alrededor de los ojos a medida que se envejece. También abre los párpados que pueden estar tapando sus ojos. Puede ayudarle a lucir más sano y más alerta.
Esta cirugía aumenta el tamaño de sus senos con implantes blandos. Estos vienen en formas, tamaños y texturas diferentes. Y están rellenos de silicona o solución salina. Su médico le ayudará a elegir cuál implante es el correcto para usted.
Esta cirugía ayuda a que su rostro se vea más joven. Reduce la flacidez de la piel y las arrugas que se desarrollan como parte del proceso de envejecimiento. Le da a su rostro un aspecto más firme y delgado.
Esta cirugía extrae de su cuerpo las células grasas no deseadas. No se considera una técnica para perder peso. Pero puede cambiar el aspecto de partes específicas de su cuerpo.
Esta es una cirugía de nariz. Puede modificar la forma de su nariz y algunas personas la eligen para mejorar su apariencia. La rinoplastia puede utilizarse para corregir un defecto de nacimiento o para reparar la nariz después de una lesión. Y puede mejorar algunos problemas respiratorios.
Este es un procedimiento que elimina exceso de piel y grasa en el área de su estómago. Hace que su abdomen se vea más firme y le da un aspecto más tonificado. Una abdominoplastia puede hacer que usted se sienta mejor respecto de su cuerpo.
Breast implant surgery (also called breast augmentation) is a cosmetic procedure that changes the size of your breasts. Breast implants are put in above or below the chest muscle to make the breasts larger.
Mastopexy is a type of cosmetic surgery done to reshape the breasts. It is often called a breast lift. Having a breast lift changes the look of your breasts and may improve their appearance.
Breast lift and breast implants are 2 cosmetic surgeries that change the look and size of the breasts. A breast lift helps reshape breasts that have lost their firmness and sag or droop. Augmentation involves putting breast implants above or below the chest muscle, to make the breasts larger. Together, these procedures change the look and size of the breasts. This sheet tells you more about these surgeries and what to expect.
"Abdominoplasty ("tummy tuck") and breast augmentation (implants) are 2 cosmetic surgeries that may be done together."
Eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) is a type of cosmetic surgery. It is most often done to improve the look of the eyelids. Both the upper and lower eyelids can be treated during the surgery.
A facelift (rhytidectomy) is a type of cosmetic surgery. It tightens and lifts loose, sagging skin in the face. It also helps reduce lines and wrinkles in the face.
During a tummy tuck, the surgeon removes excess fat and skin from your belly.
Breast reduction surgery is also called reduction mammoplasty. Fat, tissue, and skin are removed from the breasts to make them smaller. The size of the areola (dark skin around the nipple) may be reduced. And the nipple may be moved higher on the breast. Read on to learn more about the procedure.
If you've been injured and have a scar, scar revision surgery may help improve the look of the scar or make it less visible.
Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery to remove excess fat from specific body areas.
Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck can be done with liposuction to help remove excess fat and tighten up muscles and skin of the belley.
A skin graft is a piece of healthy skin (graft) that is moved from 1 part of your body to another. If you have a large wound, a skin graft can help close it. This allows the wound to heal. Or a skin graft can be used to treat a scar (a mark left after a wound has healed).
In some cases, scar revision surgery can help improve the look of a scar or make it less visible. If the scar tissue is tight and restricts movement of the skin, revision can improve this. Z-plasty is a method of scar revision.
You had a procedure called breast augmentation (enlargement). It is also known as augmentation mammoplasty. Here's what you need to do after this procedure.
You had a surgical procedure called rhinoplasty, which changes the structure and shape of the nose. Here's what you need to know following this procedure.
You're scheduled to have nasal surgery to improve the way your nose looks. Here's what you can expect from this type of procedure.
Subcutaneous mastectomy and chest contouring is done to give a person a more male-looking chest.
Male-to-female breast augmentation is done to give a person a more female-looking chest. A plastic surgeon increases breast size, often with implants.
Reduction thyrochondroplasty is done to give a person a more female-looking neck. A surgeon removes some of the Adam's apple.
This is a gender-affirming surgery that creates a penis and scrotum.
Metoidioplasty is a type of gender-affirming surgery. It creates a smaller-size penis using a person's existing clitoris.
Choosing how and when to transition is a very personal decision. There are many ways to transition. Surgery is just one option. Not all trans people want or are able to have surgery.
During a vulvoplasty, the outer female genitals are created. This includes the clitoris and inner and outer labia. Learn more about this procedure and the recovery.