Mirar este clip para entender lo que hacen los beneficios del ejercicio en su cuerpo, en su mente y en su salud en general.
Aprender cómo aplicar las metas SMART (específico, alcanzable, mensurable, realista y oportuno), para ayudarle a usted a crear y seguir un plan de ejercicios que sea el mejor para usted.
Aprender la importancia de incluir una variedad de ejercicios incluyendo cardiovascular, resistencia y ejercicios de fortalecimiento como también ejercicios que fortalezcan su torso o núcleo central para asegurar que todo su cuerpo obtiene la atención que necesita.
Entender los beneficios que tiene el entrenamiento cardiovascular en su cuerpo y aprender las maneras para incluirlo en su plan de ejercicios.
Entender los beneficios que tiene el entrenamiento de resistencia en su cuerpo y aprender las maneras para incluirlo correctamente en su plan de ejercicios.
Entender los beneficios que tiene el entrenamiento de flexibilidad en su cuerpo y aprender cómo realizarlo de forma segura para evitar una lesión.
Aprender la importancia de tener un torso fuerte y una buena postura y las maneras como usted puede incluir actividades en su plan de ejercicios, para ayudarle a fortalecer los músculos de su torso.
Mirar este video para aprender cómo asegurar que el plan de ejercicios que usted ha establecido por usted mismo es apropiado para usted y aprender otras maneras que le ayuden a mantenerse motivado en el logro y mantenimiento de sus metas.
Con este video aprenderás cómo ayuda a tu salud si estableces y alcanzas una meta de 10,000 pasos al día.
Mirar este video para aprender la importancia y las maneras como usted puede levantarse y moverse durante todo el día, hacer sus sesiones regulares de ejercicio al máximo, reduciendo la cantidad de tiempo que usted permanece sentado.
Mirar este video para aprender la importancia de agregar tiempo a su día para levantarse y moverse, además de cómo mantener una buena postura mientras se sienta en su escritorio y la importancia al hacerlo.
Con este video vas a identificar algunas maneras de ser activo aun cuando trabajas en el escritorio.
Este video te muestra tips sobre cómo puedes ser activo mientras trabajas.
Aprende con este video sobre los beneficios del calentamiento antes de hacer ejercicio, incluyendo aumento de flexibilidad y reducir tu riesgo de lastimarte.
Con este video vas a aprender cómo el ejercicio, en particular caminar, puede mejorar la mala circulación de sangre en tus piernas.
Esta práctica involucra la mente y el cuerpo. Puede mejorar su salud. También le ayuda a sentirse más relajado y centrado. Algunas personas practican yoga para lidiar con cosas como el dolor crónico y la depresión.
Con este video aprenderás sobre el mejor ejercicio para quemar calorías como correr y nadar.
An exercise program includes more than just your daily activity. Be sure to warm up before you start and cool down when you're done.
Strong, flexible muscles help protect your knee. Improve your strength and increase your range of motion by doing the exercises shown here.
Finger grip and release exercises are designed to stretch and strengthen your hands and wrists.
Ankle circles are designed to stretch and strengthen your feet and ankles.
These exercises can improve your shoulder flexibility.
This exercise helps strengthen and stabilize your shoulder.
Swelling, tight muscles, or scar tissue may make it hard to move your knee. Work with your physical therapist to increase your knee's range of motion. Here are treatments that may be used.
Fitness reduces your risk for high blood pressure, as well as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers.
You should exercise about 30 minutes on most days. But who says it has to be done all at once? Try splitting that up into shorter, 10- and 15-minute blocks of time. We've got some helpful tips to get you started!
Once you've gotten used to exercising for 30 minutes most days of the week, it's time for the next step: increasing the intensity of your activity.
When you exercise at the right heart rate, you'll get the most out of your exercise safely. And your heart will work more efficiently.
Fitness walking has something for everyone, even people who are already fit. Walking is one of the safest ways to condition your body aerobically. It can boost energy, help you lose weight, and reduce stress.
Experts recommend walking briskly at least 30 minutes per day, most days of the week. This walking programs can help you reach that goal by slowly increasing the frequency and time you walk.
Learn upper body strengthening exercises for after amputation of a lower limb.
Learn exercises to strengthen your lower body after amputation.
Heat cramps are muscle cramps caused by intense exercise. Symptoms include cramping of the muscles that comes on suddenly and causes severe pain. Cramping may last from minutes to hours.
Heat exhaustion is a condition that develops during prolonged exposure to heat. It is more likely to occur during strenuous activity, such as exercise or manual labor.
Aprenda la manera correcta y segura de hacer sentadillas.
Aprenda la manera correcta y segura de hacer ejercicios de posición sentada a parada con una silla.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer las sentadillas laterales.
Aprenda la manera de reforzar los músculos centrales importantes con ejercicios abdominales.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer lagartijas de pared.
Aprenda la manera correcta y segura de hacer las lagartijas en ángulo.
Observe la manera correcta de hacer el ejercicio de remo en posición parada, utilizando una banda de ejercicio.
Aprenda la manera segura de hacer este ejercicio, utilizando una banda de ejercicio.
Aprenda la manera segura de hacer este ejercicio para reforzar los músculos de los hombros en la parte superior del brazo.
Observe la manera segura de hacer este ejercicio, que refuerza los músculos del hombro y parte superior del brazo.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer los ejercicios de curl de bíceps en posición parada.
Aprenda la manera correcta y segura de hacer este ejercicio, que ayuda a reforzar los músculos de la parte inferior de la espalda, sus glúteos y los músculos de la parte posterior de las piernas.
Aprenda la manera de hacer el ejercicio de extensión posterior de tríceps.
Aprenda cómo hacer el ejercicio de remo en posición agachada para reforzar los músculos de la espalda.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer ejercicios abdominales en una silla para reforzar sus músculos centrales.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer ejercicios de piernas en posición sentada para reforzar los músculos de la parte superior de sus piernas.
Observe y aprenda la manera correcta de hacer extensiones de piernas en posición sentada para fortalecer sus cuádriceps.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer ejercicios laterales hacia abajo para reforzar los músculos principales de la espalda.
Aprenda la manera correcta y segura de hacer este ejercicio, que ayuda a reforzar los músculos de su espalda que apoyan y protegen su postura.
Aprenda la manera correcta de hacer el ejercicio de prensa de pecho en posición sentada, que ayuda a reforzar los músculos en el pecho tanto como los tríceps.
Observe la manera correcta de hacer este ejercicio, que ayuda a reforzar los músculos tríceps.
Observe la manera correcta y segura de hacer ejercicios de prensa de piernas que ayudan a reforzar todos los músculos en la parte inferior del cuerpo: las pantorrillas, los isquiotibiales, cuadriceps y glúteos.
This exercise can stretch and strengthen your knee.
This exercise helps stretch and strengthen your knee.
Step-up exercises help stretch and strengthen your knee. Learn how to do this exercise.
Here is a stretch for frozen shoulder.
This stretch can help restore shoulder flexibility and relieve pain over time.
Improving your flexibility can reduce pain. Stretching exercises also can help increase your range of pain-free motion. Breathe normally when you exercise. Try to use smooth, fluid movements. Never force a stretch.
The following flexibility exercise may be suggested by your therapist. Repeat as many times as instructed. Stop the exercise if it causes pain, and discuss it with your physical therapist or healthcare provider:
This exercise helps build strong, balanced leg muscles. Make sure to adjust exercise bands machines as instructed by your physical therapist.
This exercise helps to increase your ease and quickness of movement. It copies complex everyday moves. This exercise was chosen for you based on the type of activities you'll be doing.
This exercise stretches and strengthens your upper body.
These back exercises are done on your hands and knees.
These three exercises are done on the floor.
These exercises work your lower back, buttocks, and hips.
For best results, repeat this exercise 2 to 5 times.
Here is an exercise to do while seated on a chair.
This exercise works your sides and shoulders.
After you regain muscle control, it's time to build strength. This improves your ability to put your full weight on your leg. For best results, warm up and stretch before starting. If your injury is recent, wait until swelling and pain decrease before doing this exercise.
After you regain muscle control, it's time to build strength. This helps you put full weight on your leg. For best results, warm up and stretch before starting. If your injury is recent, wait until swelling and pain decrease before doing this exercise.
Once you can bear weight on your leg without pain, start adding advanced exercises to your workout. Using gym equipment can be a good way to improve overall knee function. Before you begin, talk with a physical therapist or certified athletic trainer. Learn how to use the equipment the right way.
Once you are ready for it, your healthcare provider will help you ease back into your active life. You can do certain exercises to help you build up your agility. Agility is ease and quickness of movement.
These exercises can improve blood flow and help build strength.
These exercises can help improve blood flow and build strength.
These two exercises are done on your hands and knees.
Learn how to learn this neck exercise to help stretch and strengthen your neck muscles.
Learn how to do these exercises to stretch and strengthen your neck muscles.
See how to do this exercise to stretch your shoulder muscles.
Exercises to help stretch and strengthen your lower back.
Stretching exercises for your shoulder, such as the pendulum exercise, can improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and reduce pain.
The free squat can help you rehabilitate your knee after injury.
Heel raises can help rehabilitate your knee.
Straight leg raises can help strengthen your knee.
The abdominal lift exercise helps strengthen your core muscles.
Try the back release exercise to help strengthen your back muscles.
"Learn this exercise called arm reach or ""the bird dog"" to help strengthen your core muscles."
Try the hip rotator stretch to help your back health.
Learn how to do a knee lift to help strengthen your core muscles.
Use this leg pull exercise to help relieve low back pain.
Learn how to do a leg reach exercise to improve your back health.
Try this exercise to stretch your lower back.
Learn how to do this back exercise called a partial curl up.
"Try the ""reaching across"" exercise to increase your shoulder flexibility."
Use this exercise for improving your shoulder flexibility and reducing pain.
External shoulder rotation can help restore shoulder flexibility and relieve pain over time.
Learn how to do the wall walk to improve flexibility and reduce pain in your shoulder.
Learn how to do a bent-knee calf stretch to help stretch and strengthen your feet and ankles.
Learn how to do a single-leg heel raise to stretch and strengthen your feet and ankles.
Learn this exercise to stretch your hand and wrist.
Try this hand and wrist exercise called wrist flexion to help stretch your hands and wrists.
Learn to do the hamstring curl to help build strong, balanced leg muscles.
Learn how to do a heel raise to help strengthen your knee and calf.
Learn how to do a leg press to help build strong, balanced leg muscles.
Learn these hamstring stretches, using a towel, to help stretch your leg muscles.
Hamstring stretches help stretch your legs for greater flexibility.
Quad stretch to help stretch your lower body and help your back.
Try these wall slide squats to strengthen your lower body.
Try these reach and hold exercises to stretch your neck and upper back.
Use the shoulder shrug to stretch and strengthen your shoulders and neck.
Learn these neck and upper back exercises that involve shoulder squeezes.
Learn the neck exercise called active neck rotation.
Learn these arm lift exercises to help stretch and strengthen your neck.
Learn these neck stretches called neck isometrics.
Learn how to do neck rotation safely.
Learn how to do grapevine (cross) steps to help increase your agility.
Learn how to do short sprints to increase your agility.
Learn how to do side steps to increase your agility.
Learn how to do a biceps curl to help stretch and strengthen your arms.
Learn how to do a shoulder press to stretch and strengthen your shoulder.
Learn how to do side raises to stretch and strengthen your shoulders.
Learn how to do this exercise to stretch and strengthen your shoulders and triceps.
Learn how to do a chest press to stretch and strengthen your upper body.
This exercise will help strengthen your calves.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this stretch.
This exercise helps with flexibility.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this stretch to ease neck pain.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this ankle exercise.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this thigh exercise.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this shoulder exercise.
This exercise helps keep your back flexible.
This exercise helps keep your wrist flexible.
Follow these step-by-step instructions.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this tendon stretch.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this hip abduction exercise.
Follow these step-by-step instructions for a pelvic tilt.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this hip rotation stretch.
Follow this step-by-step exercise to increase your shoulder flexibility.
This exercise helps with the flexibility of your back and hips.
This exercise will help with flexibility.
This exercise is for your ankles.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this exercise.
This exercise helps build strength.
This exercise helps develop strength in your shoulder.
This exercise helps strengthen your quads.
Follow these step-by-step instructions for toe extension.
These exercises help your arches.
This exercise will help keep your ankle flexible.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this shoulder stretch for flexibility.
This exercise helps with shoulder flexibility.
Follow this step-by-step exercise.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this inner thigh stretch.
This exercise helps build strength in your hamstrings and glutes.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this hip stretch.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this knee exercise.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this stretch to help ease low back pain.
This exercise builds strength in your wrist.
This exercise builds strength in your quads.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this wrist exercise.
Follow the step-by-step instructions for this shoulder stretch.
Follow these step-by-step instructions to do a side-lying hip abduction exercise.
This exercise helps build strength in your wrist.
Follow this step-by-step exercise for your wrist.
Follow these step-by-step instructions for a quadriceps stretch.
Doing this exercise builds strength in your shoulders. Here are step-by-step instructions.
Strength training is an activity that builds up your muscles. It can be done with weights, resistance bands, or your own body weight.
Learn this exercise to stretch your shoulders, upper back, and arm muscles.