Labor & Delivery

Stages of Labor

What Happens During Labor: Stage 1

What Happens During Labor: Stages 2 and 3

Inducing Labor

Fetal Monitoring During Labor

Pregnancy and Childbirth: What to Bring to the Hospital

After a Vaginal Birth

Healthy Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Exercising After Pregnancy

Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) During Pregnancy and After Delivery

Back Pain During Pregnancy

Recognizing Labor

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Nonstress and Contraction Stress Tests

Stages of Labor

Labor Induction

Labor: Preparing for the Hospital

Vaginal Birth: Your Experience

Labor and Childbirth: Thinking About a Birth Plan

Labor and Childbirth: Your Body Prepares

Labor and Childbirth- Right after Birth

Labor and Childbirth: Preparing to Go Home

Labor and Childbirth: Support Person's Notes

Labor and Childbirth: Active Labor

After Giving Birth: Changing Expectations for Parents

After Giving Birth: How to Feel Healthy

Premature Labor

Pain Management


New Mom: What to Expect During Your Hospital Stay

Understanding and Preventing Postpartum Hemorrhage

Baby's Almost Here: Managing Risks as You Approach Delivery

Fall Prevention for New Moms: In the Hospital

How many weeks is a "full-term pregnancy"?

What is a doula?

What is a midwife?

What is Lamaze?

What is cord tissue and placenta tissue banking?

Eclampsia After Childbirth

Cannabis Use in Pregnancy

Anesthesia Options for Labor

If Your Baby Is Breech: External Cephalic Version (ECV)

Special Care During Childbirth

Cesarean Section

C-Section and Kangaroo Care

After a Cesarean

Reasons for a Cesarean Birth (C-Section)

Cesarean Section (C-Section)

TOLAC (Trial of Labor After Cesarean Delivery)

Before a Cesarean Birth

Discharge Instructions for Cesarean Section (C-Section)